Thursday, August 14, 2014

Friday August 15th, 2014

A. Snatch balance 3×3; rest as needed light and fast

B. Snatch build to a tough single in 10mins
C. 20 Snatches 77% of B for time

D. 10 no push up burpee box jump 18″/ 12" AFAP
20sec AD all out
rest 4-6mins x 3

Fitness version

A. OHS practice.   Build to 3 working sets of 5 reps.  Only add weight if positioning is good.  

B. Build to ~90% of your estimated best 5RM thruster.

C. 20 thrusters for time at 80% of B. 

D. as Rx'd. 


  1. A. 65, 95, 115
    B. 135#
    C. 6:04 105#
    D. 12 cals per round

  2. A. 65,85,95
    B. 145x2
    C. 5:30
    D. 17,17,17 cals

  3. A. 95,115,125
    B. split snatch up to 185.
    C. did isabelle 30 snatches for time 135. 4:48. Was at 20 at 2:56.
    D. 19,14. DNF crushed my shin on a wooden box.

  4. A/B/C. skipped due to a tight back, working to get it good to go for comp. Did extra mobility work. Then built to a 185# tough OHS.
    C. 21,20,20

  5. A) 95, 105, 115
    B) 135
    C) 5:32 @ 105
    D) 14, ,15 ,15
