Friday, October 31, 2014

Saturday November 1st, 2014

A. wall walk.   3 reps every 2 minutes for 12 minutes. 
B. Overhead DB tricep extension x 10 reps x 3 sets. 
C. Ring Rows- accumulate 30-50 perfect reps.  Do 10 more reps than last Saturday. Perfect form. 

8 rounds for time
8 deadlifts- moderate to heavy
8 push-ups ----PERFECT FORM. DO NOT RUSH THESE. I am more concerned with quality of movement here than your time. 
2 renegade rows. 

A. Freestanding Handstand Hold – Technique Work for 12 minutes
B.  Handstand Pushups w/ deficit – 30 perfect reps in sets of 3 unbroken
C. Bar Muscle-up tech work. ~10 mins – accumulate 20 Slow Controlled Negative Reps

8 rounds for time:
8 Deadlifts @ 275#/ 185
6 Strict Handstand Push-ups --sub ring dips
4 Muscle-ups     ----sub CTB.

25 min time cap.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Friday October 31st, 2014

A. OHS 5,5,4,4. Sets of 4 just a bit more weight. 
B. same.  Scale sets if you have missed recent sessions 
C. 100 wall balls for time. 

Outright beginners should do some wall ball practice. Approx 30-50 reps 


A. TnG Squat Snatch; 3 reps x 4 sets; rest 2 minutes
B. Front-Rack Rear-Foot-Elevated Split Squats (AKA Bulgarian SS) ; 8-10 reps x 4 sets/leg; rest 1 minute between sides

For time:
200 Wall Balls*
(*every time you break, row 350m)

– TnG Squat Snatch: try not to rest the bar at any point other than overhead
– Part II: post strategy and results to comments.
- yes it will be hard. If the hardest workouts you do are always in competition then we haven't prepared well.
- time cap of 28 mins
-scale to 150 wall balls for time with no row penalty if you don't believe you can do a few sets of 30 minimum to start 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Thursday October 30th, 2014

Make up Wednesday's workout or:

for time:
2K row
2mile AD
1K row
1mile AD
500m row
.5 mile AD

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Wednesday October 29th, 2014

A. Clean Grip Deadlift  3,3,3,3,3.  5 tough sets of 3. 
B. Accumulate 5 total minutes hanging from pull-up bar or rings
C.  DB Side Bends; 12-15 reps x 4 sets/side; rest 1 minute between sides

AMRAP in 15 minutes
15 DB snatches- light
200m run with sandbag or light KB. 


A. Clean Pulls; 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2 rest 2 minutes

B. Inverted Single Bar Hangs; accumulate 45 seconds x 4 sets; rest 1-2 minutes.   May use pull-up bar or rings.   Pull yourself to "upside down" position. And then hold there.

C. DB Side Bends; 12-15 reps x 4 sets/side; rest 1 minute between sides

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
15 Power Snatches @ 75#
200m Run with Sandbag

Monday, October 27, 2014

Tuesday October 28th, 2014


A. 60 secs in bottom of squat. Rest 1 minute x 5. 
B.  1k row for time
C. Accumulate 50 push-ups and 50 ring rows. 


A. Sotts Press – Technique Work; sets of 3-5 reps focusing on perfect positioning (not load)
B. Wall-Facing Handstand Hold; accumulate 90 seconds x 3 sets; rest 2 minutes

C. Grace
30 clean and jerks for time 135/95

Accumulate 50 ring dips and 50 CTB. Not for time.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Monday October 27th, 2014

A. OHS - build to a moderate, comfortable 5 reps. 
B. Back Squat x 10 reps x 4 sets. 
C. Chin-up negatives x 5 reps for max time x 4 sets.  Rest 1-2 mins.

3 sets:
30 seconds – AMRAP KB Snatch
30 seconds – AMRAP KB Snatch
1 minute – AMRAP Double Unders
1 minute – AMRAP Calories on Rower
rest 4-6 minutes


A. Squat Snatch From High Hang – Build to a tough single, quickly.
B. Back Squat Clusters*; 5.3.1 x 4 sets; rest 3 minutes between sets
C. Wide-Grip Isometric Chin-Above-Bar Holds: accumulate 3-4 minutes

3 sets:
30 seconds – AMRAP KB Snatch @ 55/35 (right side)
30 seconds – AMRAP KB Snatch @ 55/35 (left side)
1 minute – AMRAP Double Unders
1 minute – AMRAP Calories on Rower
rest 4-6 minutes

- Back Squat Clusters: rest 30 seconds between clusters (rest bar on squat rack during this time)
– Chin-Above-Bar Holds: do not rest chin on bar

"Sweat Sesh"
For total time:
300 cal on AD
rest 3 minutes
150 cal on AD
rest 3 minutes
75 cal on AD

Friday, October 24, 2014

Saturday October 25th, 2014


A. Gymnastic practice 10-12 minutes
B. 50 reps push-up to 2" plate.  Not for time for quality and depth.   Scale as appropriate to achieve 5 good reps when fresh.
C. 30-50 perfect ring rows.  Not for time

12 minutes AMRAP
200m row
15 KBS
30 ft right arm KB overhead walk
30 ft left arm KB overhead walk


A. Freestanding Handstand Hold – Technique Work for 10-12 minutes
B. Deficit Strict Handstand Pushups @ 2" – accumulate 30- 40 reps (Not for time).  Scale to an appropriate progression to improve HSPU.
C. Muscle-ups – 20 reps for time.      May use or practice bar muscle-ups if you'd like.

*A,B,C is basically just gymnastic practice time, so use it wisely for some deep practice. Achieve quality reps in whichever you choose.  Good time to keep working muscle-up transitions for those close.


AMRAP in 12 minutes:
12 Power Snatches @ 75#/55#.      Please do not dump weights for this. The 10# bumpers will break.
12 CTB Pull-ups
12 Box Jumps @ 24″ (step down)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Friday October 24th, 2014

A. OHS 5,5,5,5.    Try to build just a bit from last week. 

B.  Front-Rack Russian Step-ups @16- 20″; 20 reps x 3- 4 sets; rest 2 minutes.  May hold KB. 


for time
run 400m
50 thrusters- moderate
run 400m


A. Hang Squat Snatch @ Mid-Shin – 2,2,1,1,1

B. Front-Rack Russian Step-ups @ 16- 20″; 20 reps x 4 sets; rest 2 minutes


For time:
400m Run
50 Thrusters @ 95#65#
400m Run

sub row if weather does not cooperate. 6am class please keep large doors shut and exit and enter through side door. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Thursday October 23rd, 2014

Make up Wednesday's workout or

AD .5 miles @Z1
30 sec FLR
rest walk 1 min
x 8


accumulate 7 minutes hanging. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wednesday October 22nd, 2014


A. Clean Grip DL. 2.2. x 4 sets rest 10s / rest 2 minutes  --more weight than last week if form is good.
B. seated russian med ball twist 15-20 x 5 sets.  Focus on twisting with core, not swinging arms.
C. side plank on elbow ASMSAP x 5.    keep the standard.

AMRAP in 15 mins
50m farmers walk --heavy
30 second - hollow rock
5 power cleans.    

may sub 5 DL, 5 KBS  for power cleans


A. Clean Pulls; 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 minutes
B. Hanging 1/2 Windshield Wipers; 12- 20 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 seconds
C. Side Plank on Hand with Feet Elevated @ 8-12″; As Many Seconds As Possible x 4 sets/arm; rest 60 seconds between arms

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
50m Farmers Walk --heavy
30 second – Hollow Rock
5 Power Cleans 185/125 ---scale to 70% of 1RM PC.

"sweat sesh"
ride the Airdyne for 50 mins
first 10 mins at z1 pace
second 10 mins, on the top of every minute pedal hard for 12s, pedal easy for rest of min.
third 10 mins at z1 pace
fourth 10 mins on the top of every minute pedal hard for 12s, pedal easy for rest of min.
fifth 10 mins at z1 pace.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Tuesday October 21, 2014


A. DB push press 10-12 reps x 4 sets. Rest 2 mins
B. for time: 50 push-ups to 2" plate. 

for time:
30 burpees
700m row/ 500m row

A. Behind-the-Neck Snatch-Grip Push Press; 5 reps x 5 sets; rest 2 minutes

B. For time: 50 Strict Handstand Push-ups.      15 minute time cap


For time:
40 Burpees
800m/600m  Row

sub 5:15 would be a decent time.

A. be conservative and hit ALL the reps. 
B. sub 50 seated DB press at moderate weight if you can't do full range HSPU. 

– Burpees: jump and touch an object 6″ above max reach. Use a ring or pull-up bar.

no sweat sesh for today. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Monday October 20th, 2014

A. OHS  x 8-10 reps x 3 sets.  Keep it light and controlled

B. Back Squat- build to a tough 3 reps. 

C. accumulate 30 -40 solid negatives pull-ups. 

D. Hanging leg raises x 10 reps x 3 sets.  Rest 1 minute between. 


3 mins Max cals on Airdyne

*warm this up good.*


A. Squat Snatch – 2,2,1,1,1.
B. Back Squat – Build to a tough 3 reps.
C. Wide-Grip Behind-the-Neck Strict Pull-ups: accumulate 30-40 perfect reps. rest as needed.
D. L-sit in ring or with hands on 45# plates.  Accumulate 3-5 good minutes.


300 double unders for time:

A. Try for no misses. Hammer home good technique. Treat the final 3 reps as a weightlifting meet, meaning you choose a weight to start at and can not go back down. 

B. max of 3 tough attempts. 

D. keep the standard high.  better to have less time with good standard than more time with shit standard.

"Sweat Sesh"
1K row @ 75%
rest 1/2 of your work time.    i.e, it takes 4 mins to row 1k, rest 2 mins.
x5 rounds

Friday, October 17, 2014

Saturday October 18th, 2014

A. 1 wall climb per minute for 12 mins
B. seated DB Press x 8-10 reps x 4 sets.
C. push-ups - accumulate 30-50 perfect reps.  No reps from knees. 


AMRAP in 20 minutes
10 DB snatches from hang  5/arm.  moderate weight.  should not be able to do unbroken after first rd. 
10 Bar-Facing Burpees
10 Russian KBS- heavy!
10 push-ups.  again not from knees. go down to a 45 bumper if need be.  perfect reps!
10 deadlifts ~50% 1RM
10 ring rows


A. Freestanding Handstand Hold – Technique Work for 12 minutes
B. Strict Handstand Pushups – accumulate 36 reps in sets of 3; rest as needed
C. Muscle-ups – 30 reps for time in sets of 3 unbroken.   12  minute time cap.


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
10 Power Snatches @ 95#/65
10 Bar-Facing Burpees
10 Power Cleans @ 135#/85
10 Handstand Push-ups
10 Deadlifts @ 225#/175
10 Strict Pull-ups

A. help each other, hold and balance
B. sub seated DB press 6 x 6.  
C. practice technique for 12 mins if you don't have muscle-ups

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Friday October 17th, 2014

There will be open gym today from 330 to 5.  Class will be at 5.

A. OHS   5,5,5,5.   rest as needed

B. Goblet hold lunges x 20 steps x 3 sets. rest 2 minutes


for time:

Thrusters @ moderate weight
Kettlebell Swings -mod to heavy weight. 


A. Hang Squat Snatch Below Knee – 2,2,1,1,1.  Build quick. rest as needed.

B. Front-Rack Lunges x 20 steps x 3 sets; rest 2 minutes


For time:21-15-9:
Thrusters @ 95#/65
Kettlebell Swings @ 70/45

"Sweat sesh"
30 secs on AD, @ near ALL OUT
rest 2:30
x 12

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thursday October 16th, 2014

Make up Wednesday workout or :

“Sweat Sesh”
90 seconds on the clock
row 250m
amrap double unders
rest 60 seconds

90 seconds on the clock
AD 20/15 calories
am rap abwheel roll outs
rest 60 seconds
90 seconds on the clock
run 200m
am rap hollow hold
rest 60 seconds

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Wednesday October 15th, 2014

A. Clean Grip DL. 2.2.2.  x 4 sets  rest 10s / rest 2 minutes
B. seated russian med ball twist  15-20 x 5 sets
C. side plank on elbow  ASMSAP


AMRAP in 5 minutes
5 deadlifts - use ~50% of arm
5 box jumps step down. 


A. Clean Pulls; 5, 5, 3, 3; rest 2 minutes.
B. Hanging Windshield Wipers; 20 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 seconds
C. Side Plank on Hand with Feet Elevated @ 8-12″; As Many Seconds As Possible x 4 sets/arm; rest 90 seconds between arms

AMRAP in 5 minutes:
5 Deadlifts @ 225/ 175#
5 Box Jumps (step down)

A. this is not a spazzy deadlift. Use your clean position and pull with the same mechanics. Reset quickly at bottom. Use hook grip.

sub seated russian med ball twists.

C. sub side planks on elbow or use less elevation for feet.

open it up and hang on. Keep rest short. Be smart about DL form. Scale weight down if you can't do 5 unbroken.


“Sweat Sesh”
1K row @ 80% effort
rest for 2 minutes off the rower
x5 rounds

Programming template for a bit:

Monday- snatch intense, squat intense, upper body pull  +  conditioning
Tuesday - Press intense, Press volume +   row/burpee conditioning
Wednesday - Pull intense, abs/oblique/bracing, + short intense conditioning
Thursday  rest/ aerobic conditioning.     Make up day or extra mobility.
Friday - Oly work, squat volume.
Saturday - Upper body gymnastics volume, + longer conditioning piece.
Sunday - rest/makeup or get ahead day. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Tuesday October 14th, 2014


A. DB push press  8-10 reps x 3.  rest 2 minutes

B. Plank or Front leaning rest on rings x 30-50 seconds.  rest 1-2mins


for time
50 sit-ups
60 burpees onto a 25# bumper
80/60 calories on rower
time cap is 20 minutes


A. Behind-the-Neck Snatch-Grip Push Press; 1 reps x 5 sets; rest 2 minutes

B. Wall-Facing Handstand Holds; 30-50 seconds x 4 sets; rest 2 minutes


For time:
50 toes to bar
75 Burpees, jump onto a 45# bumper with full extension.
100/80 Calories Row

time cap is 20 mins. scale the t2b if you think the 20 min cap will come into play.
yes I know you did some burpees and toes to bar yesterday.  It's ok.

“sweat sesh”
45 sec. AD @ 80%
15 sec. @ 40%
30 minutes

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Monday October 13th, 2014


A1 BS; 23x1 x 4 reps x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds.  Be conservative with weight here. Mind the tempo.

A2 Strict pull up variation x amrap x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds
25 wall balls,
10 burpees
15 cal AD
rest 2 minutes
x3 rounds for total time


A1 BS; 23x1 @ 70% x 2 reps x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds.   Note the tempo.  Stick to it.

A2 CTB pull ups (butterfly or kipping) x amrap x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds
*it is more important to maintain good form here and do less reps then have a shitty position and do more reps


30 wall balls
20 burpees
10 T2B
rest 2 minutes
x3 rounds for total working time

“Sweat Sesh”
1 minute mountain climber
1 minute AD
1 minute row
rest 2 minutes
x7 rounds..
operate @ 70/80/90% per movement

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sunday October 12th, 2014


Part A:
Skill and drill, and or strength make up session -

Take 12 minutes and work on a new skill or work on movements that need some more improvement. Keep the volume and intensity low if this is your 5th day this week.  Monday is volume legs again.


teams of 2 complete the following:
10 rounds for time - switching every round
5 db burpee squat clean thruster @ 35/25# per hand
5 T2B
15 double unders

Monday session:


A1 BS; 23x1 x 4 reps x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds.  Be conservative with weight here. Mind the tempo.

A2 Strict pull up variation x amrap x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds
25 wall balls,
10 burpees
15 cal AD
rest 2 minutes
x3 rounds for total time


A1 BS; 23x1 @ 70% x 2 reps x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds.   Note the tempo.  Stick to it.

A2 CTB pull ups (butterfly or kipping) x amrap x 4 sets, rest 60 seconds
*it is more important to maintain good form here and do less reps then have a shitty position and do more reps
30 wall balls,
20 thrusters, 95/65
10 T2B
rest 2 minutes
x3 rounds for total working time

*thruster weight should be one that you can move @ a good pace. If the 95/65 slows down a bit too much drop to 75/55

Friday, October 10, 2014

Saturday October 11th, 2014


A,B, same


10 minutes max calories on Airdyne


A. Power Clean from ground + above knee (1+1) - EmOM x 6 minutes.. go off feel here.. add weight as you need to

B Strict press x 5 x 3


10 minutes max calories on Airdyne.    Make sure you record what bike you used!

silver,white and bronze bikes read the same and are more generous than the black and blue bikes

Hanging challenge scoresheet

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Friday October 10th, 2014


A. Snatch grip BN push press + OHS (2+1) x 3 sets.. OHS tempo is 33x1.. build from last week

B1 wall squat x 5.   rest 20s
B2 Strict pull up variation x 7 x 4, rest, 75 seconds


10 minute amrap
10 db push press
10 box jumps or step ups
100m run


hollow holds x 40 sec. x 3


A. Snatch grip BN push press + OHS (2+1) x 3 sets.. OHS tempo is 33x1.. build from last week

4 sets:

B1 Wall squats x 5.  rest 20 seconds

B2 Strict pull up x am rap x 4, rest, 90 seconds *if you are unable to get 5 per round, then drop and look to get a total of 7 reps in as many sets as it takes

4mins 90% effort
Row 600m
remainder of time amrap burpees at steady pace

rest 3mins

4mins 90% effort
6 thruster 75/45#
5 T2B
15 DU

rest 3mins

4min 90% effort
6 box jump sd
6 KBS 55/35
6 wall balls 

No sweat sesh today.   If you wish to do a sweat sesh, use yesterdays or just get on the AD or rower and do some Z1 work. 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Thursday October 9th, 2014


A. Behind the neck snatch grip push press x 3 x 3, rest 90 seconds.. hold 3 rd rep for 10 sec. OH

B. Strict Press x 3 reps - building over 5 sets *even just the bar counts here *hold each rep for 2 sec. OH
C. 15 sec. max effort row, rest 1:45 x 5 sets (use AD if you can't go hard on rower)
10 minute amrap
1 wall climb
3 Hang power cleans - Light    or 5 KB swings moderate
5 ball slams


A. Behind the neck snatch grip push press x 3 x 3, rest 90 seconds.. hold 3 rd rep for 10 sec. OH

B. PJ + SJ (1+1) - building over 5 sets *even just the bar counts here *hold each rep for 2 sec. OH
C. 15 sec. max effort row, rest 1:45 x 5 sets

HPC @ 65% of your max PC

(this should be a grinder type workout for most)

*scale for HSPU are wall climbs x 1/5 (

*sweat sesh*
10 minute warm up
15 sec. row sprint @ max effort
rest 1:45

rest 5 minutes

20 sec. Battle rope or AD max effort
rest 1:40

rest 5 minutes

15 sec. run hard
rest 1:45

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Wednesday October 8th, 2014


A. Front Squat @ 23x1 tempo @ 60-65% of BS max  x 3 x 4 sets

B. Pull up variation x 5 x 3 sets
10 minute amrap @ 80%
5 ring rows
10 walking lunge steps
25 sec. jump rope

rest 3 minutes

10 minute amrap @ 80%
15 cal on AD
8 kb swings
8 plank walk outs


A. Front Squat @ 23x1 tempo @ 60-65% of BS max  x 3 x 4 sets.  Rest 2-3 mins

B. Weighted pull up x 5 reps x 3 sets.  Rest 2- 3 mins


10 minute amrap @ 80%
3 Mu or 5 CTB pull ups
10 walking lunge steps
25 double unders

rest 3 minutes

10 minute amrap @ 80%
20 cal on AD
8 Russian kb swings, 70/45
5 box jumps, 24/20" w/step down

No sweat sesh today.  Use yesterday's or tomorrow's sweat sesh if you wish.  Or just skip A spend some extra time on mobility and join in on the 10 min AMRAPs.

tomorrow sweat sesh:

*sweat sesh*
10 minute warm up
15 sec. row sprint @ max effort
rest 1:45

rest 5 minutes

20 sec. Battle rope or AD max effort
rest 1:40

rest 5 minutes

15 sec. run hard
rest 1:45

Monday, October 6, 2014

Tuesday October 7th, 2014

A DL; x 5 reps x 4 sets,  2 minutes

4 sets:
B Tough  push-ups @ 50x1 x 5 x 4, rest 60 seconds.

C. 6 minute EmOM
odd - snatch grip RDL to knee @23x1 tempo x 3 reps

even - support hold on rings or bars x 10-20 sec.


3 sets

3 min AMRAP

3 push ups
6 sit-ups
9 kb swings

rest 2 mins


A DL; 65% x 5 reps x 4 sets, rest 2 mins

B CG bench press @ 50x1 x 4 x 4, rest 2 mins

C. 6 minute EmOM

odd = snatch grip RDL to knee @ 23x1 tempo x 3 reps
even = Ring Dip @ 55x1 x 3 reps.. add weight if you can.   Look at the tempo!  5s on way down, 5s hold in bottom, explode up, 1s at top. This is a tough tempo.  


partner Row workout
18 minutes
partners alternate 3 min sets to completion. most meters win.

during each 3 min rest period, must perform 25 push-ups.  scale up to ring push-ups. 

“Sweat Sesh”
800m run @ 50%
1 minute AD @70%
x6 rounds

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Monday October 6th, 2014


3 sets:

A1 BS; x 10 reps x 3 sets.   rest 1 minute
A2 DB bent over row @ 21x2 x 5/side

B. Hang Clean from high hang x 5 x 3 sets - light weight here


For time:
50 kb goblet squats
20 burpees
1500m row


3 sets:

A1 BS; 65% x 10 reps.    Rest 1 minute
A2 DB bent over row @ 21x2 x 5/side.   rest 2 minutes

B. Hang Clean from pause above knee x 5 x 3 sets - light weight here.. nothing over 70%


For time:
50 BS @ 135/95#
35 burpees over the barbell
1500m row

*scale up to 155/105

*sweat sesh
10 minute AD @70%
10 minute run @ 70%
10 minute AD @ 80%
10 minute run @ 60%
10 minute AD @ 90%
10 minute run @ 50%

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Sunday October 5th, 2014

Fitness and Performance:

A.  spend 12-15 minutes working on new skills or looking to improve skill sets.

Teams of 2 must complete the following:
16 minutes on the clock
top of every minute the team must complete the following as gauntlet style movement:
1 rope climbs
2 box jump overs
3 kb swings
4 burpees

Top of minute, each partner must complete the entire complex in the minute - however, you cannot move forward until your partner finishes the movement in front of you



3 sets:

A1 BS; x 10 reps x 3 sets.   rest 1 minute
A2 DB bent over row @ 21x2 x 5/side

B. Hang Clean from high hang x 5 x 3 sets - light weight here
For time:
50 kb goblet squats
20 burpees
1500m row


3 sets:

A1 BS; 65% x 10 reps.    Rest 1 minute
A2 DB bent over row @ 21x2 x 5/side.   rest 2 minutes
B. Hang Clean from pause above knee x 5 x 3 sets - light weight here.. nothing over 70%

For time:
50 BS @ 135/95#
35 burpees over the barbell
1500m row

*scale up to 155/105

*sweat sesh
10 minute AD @70%
10 minute run @ 70%
10 minute AD @ 80%
10 minute run @ 60%
10 minute AD @ 90%
10 minute run @ 50%

sub to 8 mins per if time is short. 

Friday, October 3, 2014

Saturday October 4th, 2014

Fitness + Performance:

A. Hang Power Clean x 5 reps TnG on the minute x 6 minutes

B Snatch Grip RDL (pull to knee) x 5 x 3 sets, rest 2mins

C CG bench press x 10 reps x 3 sets, rest 2 mins


10 minute max double unders

If not comfortable with the movements, may sub the following
A. KBS x 10
B. Glute Ham Raises x 5-8.
C. Push-ups.      Use rings, plates etc., to increase difficulty.

If you do not wish to do double unders

16 minute amrap:
400m run
10 box jump step-down
30m fw- heavy
15 cal row

monthly challenge :

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Friday October 3rd, 2014


A. Snatch grip BN push press + OHS (3+1) x 3 sets.. OHS tempo is 35x1

B. Front Squat - x 3 x 3
7 minute amrap
10 x wall ball
8 x plank walk outs
6 x burpees

weighted plank hold x 30 sec.  x 3 sets


A. Snatch grip BN push press + OHS (3+1) x 3 sets.. OHS tempo is 35x1

B. Front Squat - build to a tough 3 RM in 3 attempts.  Build this quick


8 minute amrap
5 x hang squat clean @ 135/95
4 x T2B
3 x burpee over the barbell

*may choose to sub 1k row for time.

*scale up to 155/105 if you can.  And warm this up really good. Treat it like a competition WOD with your warm-up.

 weighted plank hold x 30 sec.  x 3 sets

“sweat sesh”
1 minute AD @ tough effort
1 minute rest

A note about the programming :
First off, my goal is not to confuse, but to give more options.

 In this fitness journey we are always seeking to learn, discover, explore etc., As such we are giving plenty of options and paths for our athletes. I'll try to explain below.

Every day we will have Fitness, Performance and a "sweat sesh."  You will choose one of the workouts.

Performance is set up to challenge our best, strongest athletes. It is for those that want to be competitive and want to train for CrossFit as a sport. It will train and test ALL those things that are important for success in CrossFit.

Fitness is very similar to Performance. You will notice many of the same principals and ideas. However  we will not see the heavier, more complex movements here. Stay here, learn, make progress, get fit.

The sweat sesh is just that, a session to get you moving and get you sweating. No barbells, no gymnastics, minimal eccentric loading (no soreness!) This is a substitute for the workout of the day. Or for those that would like to do 2 workouts in the same day, this could be done.

In the end, don't be afraid to explore, work on weaknesses, tweak workouts to fit your goals etc., Remember have fun, be safe, it's just exercise. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Thursday October 2nd, 2014

A. 3 sec. DL  to above knee + Power Snatch from above knee (1+1) x 4 sets on the 75 seconds.. look to be around 70-75% of PS

B Jerk dip x 5 , rest 60 seconds @ 105-120% of best clean and jerk

C.  Clean grip RDL x 5  sets, rest 60 seconds @ 80% of best clean.. pause for 2 sec. @ just above knee

for max calories and reps on a 15 minute running clock
tabata AD
rest 1 minute
tabata row
rest 1 minute
amrap the following in the rest of time
10 sec. ring dip support
4 SumoDL
10 jump rope singles or double unders


A. 3 sec. DL  to above knee + Power Snatch from above knee (1+1) x 4 sets on the 75 seconds.. look to be around 70-75% of PS

B Jerk dip x 5 , rest 60 seconds @ 105-120% of best clean and jerk

C.  Clean grip RDL x 5  sets, rest 60 seconds @ 80% of best clean.. pause for 2 sec. @ just above knee


for max calories and reps on a 15 minute running clock
tabata AD
rest 1 minute
tabata row
right into
amrap the following in the rest of time
4 strict ring dips
8 DB burpee DL @ 55/30# per hand.    Use varying DB or KB based on bodyweight or strength.
12 T2B

"sweat sesh"

“Airdyne to Hell”
for best time
cal on AD
rest time = work time

so do 50 cals for time.  rest same as work.  40 cals for time rest same as work.  etc down to 10 cals.  Total time is score. 

rest 10 minutes
x2 rounds