Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Wednesday October 1st, 2014


A. Front Squat @ 33X1 tempo; 3 reps x 4 sets

B. 6 minute EmOM
odd = 5 pendlay rows
even = ring rows @ 3xx3 tempo.  complete for 25s

C. 8 minute EmOM
odd = 20 sec. dip support.    Hold self in bottom of dip.
even = 35 sec. row @ 80%

10 minute amrap
goblet squats
calories on AD


A. Front Squat @ 33X1 tempo @ 60% of BS max; 3 reps x 4 sets.  rest 2-3 mins between sets.  Mind the tempo!! This is the whole point of this lift!

B. 6 minute EmOM
odd = 5 pendlay rows
even = 1-2 legless rope climbs

C. 8 minute EmOM
odd = 3 wall climbs
even = 15/10 cal row

10 minute amrap
FS @ 155/105

*sub for muscle ups is reg. pull ups (15,12,9,6,3)

*sweat sesh
40 minute row for max calories

Most days there will be a "sweat sesh". This will be an aerobic session for those that wish to do doubles or for those that want to sweat but need a break from barbells and gymnastics

Monday, September 29, 2014

Tuesday September 30th, 2014


A DL; 3 reps x 4 sets @ 4131 tempo.   Rest 2 mins between sets.

B Strict press + push press (1+3) x 4 sets.   Rest 2 mins between sets

20 minutes on the clock

top of every 5 minutes complete the following 3 minute amrap
200m run
20 kb swings
3 wall climbs or 12 plank walk outs or 7 box HSPU (if you can do normal push ups)
200m run


A. DL; 78% x 3 reps x 4 sets
B. PJ + SJ (1+1) x 4 sets - form focus here..don’t push the weight too much
20 minutes on the clock
top of every 5 minutes complete the following 3 minute am rap
200m run
20 kb swings, 55/35#
10/7 HSPU *may kip.
200m run

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Monday September 29th, 2014

A. Front squat build to a max

B1. BB front rack walk lunge 20 steps; rest 20sec  --build per set
B2. 15 T2B; rest 3mins
10mins 85% effort
Run 200m
8 burpee box jump - step down

rest 3mins

10min 85% effort
10 KBS
10 Goblet squat
30 DU unbroken

A. build to a tough 5.   Write your PR on the board!

B1. same

B2. sub knees to elbows, hanging leg raises or GHD sit-ups. 

10 min AMRAP - same - practice DU or single unders

Friday, September 26, 2014

Saturday September 27th, 2014


3 rounds for time:
400m Run
21 Kettlebell swings (55/35#)
12 Pullups

Fitness :
use ring rows

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Friday September 26th, 2014

A. snatch grip DL build to a tough concentric only in 8mins

B. snatch from high hang build to a tough single

C. OHS build to a tough double

3 sets: 
PC TnG x 5 build per set
8 burpees AFAP
AD 18sec all out
rest 4-6mins 

A. same
B. same
C. build to a tough 5

3 sets:
KBS x 6
6 burpees AFAP
AD 18 sec all out
rest 4-6 minutes

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Thursday September 24,2014

Make up Wednesday's work or hit the following aerobic work or work on skills.


3:00 @90%
3:00 @ 50%
x 3.

rest/walk 5-7 mins

3:00 @ 90%
3:00 @ 50%

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wednesday September 24th, 2014

Teams of 3
Set the rower for 7200m
Row in 400m increments
Each athlete will row 6 sets.

Write total time on white board.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tuesday September 23rd, 2014

A. emom – 12mins
odd – PC TnG x 5 65% of 1rm
even – Close grip bench press x 3-4 70% of 1rm.     Use difficult push-up variant for sub.

B. emom – 12mins
odd – PS TnG 95/65# increase reps by 1 every set start at 4reps
even – 30-45 DU
C. emom – 12mins
odd – KBS x 10
even – Push press 115/75# x 8
5mins amrap
1 PC + FR forward lunge R and L + S2O = 1 rep


odd - DL TnG x 5.  50% of 1RM
even - difficult push-ups x 6-8

odd- DB snatch x 2/arm
even - singles or practice

odd- KBS x 10
even push press light or with DB. 


10 minute amrap
run 200m
50m farmers walk- heavy

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Monday September 22nd, 2014

*if time gets short skip the 10 min AMRAP at end. 

A. Back squat cluster 1. 1. 1. 1; rest 15sec/rest 3mins x 4

3 working sets:

B1. BB on back Bulgarian Split Squat @30X1; 6-8/leg; rest 20sec
B2. amrap CTB chin ups; rest 2-3mins

C. 10 min AMRAP
Run 200m
farmers carry 50m - heavy


A. Back Squat x 5 reps.  rest 3 mins x 4

3 working sets:
B1. DB Bulgarian Split Squat @30x1; 6-8 per leg; rest 20sec
B2. chin-up negatives x 5 ; rest 2-3 mins

10 mins 
5 push-ups
8 goblet squats
FW 30m- heavy

Friday, September 19, 2014

Saturday September 20th, 2014

25min Time Cap:

5k Row
AMRAP burpees in remaining time

- Burpee standard is chest to deck, hips fully open at top and feet leave ground slightly – hands can be at side
- Workout score is burpees completed
- Also note 5k row time

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Friday September 19th, 2014

Lots of burpees in tomorrow's tester workout.

A. snatch build to a moderate single

B. PC x 1/hang power clean x 1/hang squat clean x 1; rest as needed x 5

C. emom – SJ x2  80% of 1rm – 5-7mins.    May do this as 1.1 with a rack between.

D. emom – 12mins
odd – 5 T2B + 5 CTB
even – 6- 10 box jump step down 24/18″

Fitness Verison.  
A,B, C same, just keep loads very light and work your technique. 

odd -5 hanging leg raise + 5 ring rows
even- same. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Thursday September 18th, 2014

Make up Wednesday's work or hitting the following aerobic work or work on skills.  Tomorrows workout will include Oly lifting and a gymnastics  alternating EMOM.

2:30 @90%
2:30 @ 50%
x 4.

rest/walk 5-7 mins

2:30 @ 90%
2:30 @ 50%

tomorrow workout:  Moderate oly lift work and 12 min EMOM. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wednesday September 17th, 2014

A. Squat Clean from high hang,  build to a tough double. -----KEEP it at the high hang position. I'm not interested in seeing how much you can catapult/slingshot.

B. emom – 10mins
odd – 3 MU
even – 10 KBS 70/45 or 55

C. emom – 12mins
odd – 8-10 goblet squat @21X1 70/45 or 55.
even – 4-6 burpees + 15 DU

D. emom – 10mins
odd – 8-10 T2B
even – AD or ROW 10sec 97% effort

- rest no more than 2mins btw emom sets

fitness version
A. same
B. sub 5 ring rows for MU. 
C. practice DU
D. sub hanging leg raises or GHD sit-ups or weighted sit-ups. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Tuesday September 16th, 2014

3 sets:

A1. push press TnG 8-10; rest 30sec
A2. weighted legless rope climb x 1--  be smart and safe here. ; rest 30sec
A3. ring dip amrap kipping – 1; rest 30sec
A4. T2B 15 reps in unbroken 5′s; rest 2mins x 3.   keep it to short/fast unbroken sets. If that means going to 4's or 3's do so.


8min 80-90% effort
2 L chin ups
3 deficit HSPU 2″
8 wall balls

- use vest for wtd legless rope climb
- if less than 5 ring dips change to ring pushups or continue until 8-10reps

Tomorrow's workout : heavy hang clean work and 30 min mixed modal MAP session. 

Fitness version:
A1. same
A2. strict ring rows @ 21x2
A3. am rap PERFECT push-ups.  Cap at 15 and move up to more difficult version if you hit 15 reps. 
A4. Hanging leg raises or sit-ups

8 min AMRAP 90%
2 ring rows
3 tough push-ups
8 wall balls

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Monday September 15th, 2014

3 sets tough:
10 TnG Power Snatch  - MUST BE TnG.
AirDyne 30/24 calories all out

3 min cap per set – rest remainder of time per set if you finish the round in under 3 min

So you will start a set every 3 minutes.

-  MUST be TnG
- record weight and time per set
- if you haven’t finished the calories on the bike in 3 min return to the snatches
- if you follow the program here regularly, resist the urge to do a bunch of extra work today. Some extra burpees, extra long warm-up and cool down.

Tomorrow will be a large volume of upper body pressing and pulling. 

Fitness version

A. Power Snatch tech work.   Start from hang and move closer to the floor as comfortable. 

3 sets tough
10 heavy Russian KBS or DB snatch 5/arm.
Airdyne 25/ 20 calories, Row 20/15 calories or Run 200m all out!

Start a set every 3 minutes. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Saturday September 13th, 2014

Jog 3-5 mintues
5-10 minutes Dynamic warmup
1:00 run @ projected pace
Rest walk 2:00 x3-5

Rest as needed


cool down.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Friday September 12th, 2014

Saturday's workout will be at the BU track on the Vestal Parkway. Prepare accordingly. 

A. close grip bench press build to a tough 5

B. 15 min deep practice MU's or HSPU.

C. for time
30 wall balls
20 PC and jerk 135/85#
10 MU.    --sub 10 CTB, 10 T2B, 10 ring dips. 

Fitness version
A. build to a tough 8 @ 30x1
B. practice DU, ring rows, pull-ups
C.  wall balls as rx'd
      for PC sub 15 moderate DL and 15 KBS and 15 DB push press
     for MU sub 2 rounds of 5 ring rows, 5 ghd sit-ups and 5 push-ups or ring dips. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thursday September 11th, 2014

Saturday's workout will be at the BU track. Plan accordingly. 

today would be a good day to rest form burpees. Plenty of pressing and gymnastic work tomorrow. 

make up Wednesday workout or hit the following aerobic work, and add any skill work or specific strength work you would like.

AD or row

2 mins @ 90%
2 mins @ 50%
x 4

rest 6-8 mins

2 mins @ 90%
2 mins @ 50%
x 4

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Wednesday September 10th, 2014

Enter your burpee challenge results here:


A. segmented snatch deadlift – pause 2 sec 1″ off ground, below knee, mid-thigh – 5 sets of 2, rest 2mins btw sets small build per set.

 Focus on positioning, NOT load for this exercise. This is a snatch accessory lift to find the right positions of the lift. Can use a bit more than 1RM snatch but don't exceed it by more than 20% this week.

B. snatch pull x 1/hang snatch high pull x 1/hang power snatch x 1 – build to a max in this complex in 10 mins.  Do not exceed 10 minutes. 

C. emom – Power Clean TnG x 5 65% of arm  – 5min


3 sets 95% effort
Row 250m
10 burpee box jumps- step down
10 DB snatch 65/40# alt hands per rep
rest walk 4mins

Fitness version

A. as rx'd   or 5 sets of 6 back extensions. 

B. as rx'd.  use light weight.   OR 5 sets of 8-10 heavy KBS. 

C. Power Clean tech work for 8-10 mins.  Take from hang if just starting. 


3 sets 95% effort
Row 200m
8 burpee box jumps
8 DB snatch.   alt hand per rep.
rest/walk 4 mins between sets. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Tuesday September 9th, 2014

10mins 85% effort
Row 200m
25 DU

rest 4mins

10mins 85% effort

8 wall balls
8 T2B in unbroken sets of 4.   Must break at 4.
8 box jump -step down

rest 4mins

10mins 85% effort
3 PS 115/75# --- use ~60% of 1RM if this weight is tough.
2 wall walks
1 rope climb 15′

rest 4mins

10mins 85% effort
AD 20cals
FLR on rings 30sec
Row 200m

Fitness version
DU- practice DU or use SU.
HSPU - ring dips, dips, ring push-ups, push-ups
T2B - sit-ups
PS- lighter weight or 2 DB snatch/arm
Wall walks ---sub 6 burpees
rope climb - 5 strict ring rows. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Monday September 8th, 2014

5 sets: 
5 Squat Clean TnG ---build per set
12 burpees AFAP
rest 3:30 btw sets.

5 sets :
5 DL TnG tough ---build per set
10 burpees
AD 20sec all out
rest 4mins 

*record time and weights used. Record calories for AD.

Fitness version

5 sets: 
6 front squats @ 10x0.  --may use goblet squats
8 burpees AFAP
rest 3:30 btw sets. 


5 sets
5 DL TnG tough ---build per set
6 burpees
AD 20 sec all out
rest 4mins 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Saturday September 6th, 2014

A. snatch build to a perfect single

B. clean and jerk build to a perfect single 


10 min Max Reps:
Box Jump w/step down – 24″ Box

 Find score by multiplying BWT (kgs) by repetitions by box height (0.61 meters)

- Men and Women use 24″ Box---scale if necessary.
- Full extension of the hips at the top
- Step down from top of box

Fitness version

A. snatch tech work OR   SGDL x 2 + tall box jump x 4 sets. 

B. hang clean and jerk tech work or 5 heavy KBS on the minute for 5 mins. 

partner workout
4 rounds for time.  each partner does 2. 
Run 400m
20 box jumps
20 wall balls

burpee reps.  Accumulate some!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Friday September 5th, 2014

Add your monthly burpees daily:


8 min 90% effort:
Row 150m
25 DU

rest 4mins

8mins 90% effort:
10 walk lunges
10 kbs 55/35
10 situps

rest 4mins

8mins 90% effort:
2 unbroken MU
7 GHD situps or weighted sit-ups
3 Power Snatch 115/75#  -----must be light.  Drop weight to do 3 TnG unbroken.

rest 4mins

8mins 90% effort:

Row or Airdyne for cals maintain same pace entire time.

DU-  practice DU's or single unders
HSPu- ring dips, dips, ring push-ups, push-ups
MU -  CTB, Pull-ups, Ring rows.   Add a few reps.
Power Snatch - sub lighter weight or 2 reps/arm DB snatch.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Thursday September 4th, 2014

Make up Wednesday's workout or aerobic work. Tomorrow's workout is a Mixed modal Max aerobic power sessions.   (8 mins on, 4 mins off, x 4 of different movements at steady pace. )

Airdyne 90s @ 90%
Airdyne 90s @ 50%
x 6

rest 5 -7 minutes

Airdyne 90s @ 90%
Airdyne 90s @ 50%
x 6

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Wednesday September 3rd, 2014

A. Deadlift build to a tough 5 TnG

B. 1 clean and jerk ever 30sec for 10mins 65% of arm

C. 1 PS every 15sec for 5mins 115/75# might be good weights. Lower if needed. NO SLOP REPS. Get it right at a lower weight.


6mins amrap
155/105# --lower weight to keep form clean if necessary, but this should be tough.

Power Clean x 1/Front lunge Right x 1 and Left x 1/ Push Jerk x 1= 1rep

- squat clean and split jerk go into the SJ quickly
- PS should be quick and snappy each rep
Fitness version:
A.  same

B. May focus on light clean and jerk OR 6 heavy KBS per minute x 10 minutes. 

C. For time; really hard effort
200m Row
5x Burpees, as fast as possible
Rest 3 minutes x6

Monday, September 1, 2014

Tuesday September 2nd, 2014

This months the challenge is burpees!  Accumulate as many as you can for the month. Add your daily totals here to keep track:


A. Close grip bench press @30X0; 5×5; rest 3mins

3 sets :

B1. amrap HSPU 2″ deficit --15 rep max; rest 20sec. ---sub push-up or ring push-up
B2. L – pull up 6-8 ; rest 20sec    --sub strict pull-up
B3. 10 KB hang clean and jerk 55/35; rest 20sec   ----use lighter DB.
B4. amrap rope climbs in 45sec; -----sub 50m farmers walk.
rest 3mins x 3 


every 2 mins 4 TGU  alt hands per rep.  Use something heavy that forces you to concentrate and work.
x 4-5sets

fitness version
A. Push-up variant.   Accumulate 50 difficult reps.  May be strict push-ups, clapping, ring push-ups etc.,

3 sets:
B1. seated DB Press overhead x 8-12 reps.  Choose light weight. Limit extension.  rest 20s.
B2. BEST effort strict pull-ups x 6 / hanging leg raises x 6
B3. same
B4. farmers walk 50m