Friday, September 5, 2014

Saturday September 6th, 2014

A. snatch build to a perfect single

B. clean and jerk build to a perfect single 


10 min Max Reps:
Box Jump w/step down – 24″ Box

 Find score by multiplying BWT (kgs) by repetitions by box height (0.61 meters)

- Men and Women use 24″ Box---scale if necessary.
- Full extension of the hips at the top
- Step down from top of box

Fitness version

A. snatch tech work OR   SGDL x 2 + tall box jump x 4 sets. 

B. hang clean and jerk tech work or 5 heavy KBS on the minute for 5 mins. 

partner workout
4 rounds for time.  each partner does 2. 
Run 400m
20 box jumps
20 wall balls

burpee reps.  Accumulate some!


  1. A. 175
    B. 235--oof.
    c. 213

    burpees interfere with oly lifts big time. shoulders would not open up.

    score is 11,303. 87kg x 213 reps x .61

  2. A. 135
    B. 195
    C. 232. All jumps. No step ups. Score is body weight in kg- 68.038kg x 232 x 0.61 = 9,628

  3. 10 min Box Jumps: 233
    score is 101.151kg x 233 x .061 = 14,376
