Saturday, September 20, 2014

Monday September 22nd, 2014

*if time gets short skip the 10 min AMRAP at end. 

A. Back squat cluster 1. 1. 1. 1; rest 15sec/rest 3mins x 4

3 working sets:

B1. BB on back Bulgarian Split Squat @30X1; 6-8/leg; rest 20sec
B2. amrap CTB chin ups; rest 2-3mins

C. 10 min AMRAP
Run 200m
farmers carry 50m - heavy


A. Back Squat x 5 reps.  rest 3 mins x 4

3 working sets:
B1. DB Bulgarian Split Squat @30x1; 6-8 per leg; rest 20sec
B2. chin-up negatives x 5 ; rest 2-3 mins

10 mins 
5 push-ups
8 goblet squats
FW 30m- heavy


  1. A. 295,305,315, 325.
    B1. 135x8, 145x6, 145x6
    B2. 20 per set. Capped it here as high volume of CTB usually hurts me.

    skipped. Was smoked after A and B. Decided to call it.

  2. A. 205, 215, 225, 235
    B. 115# split squat and 5 CTB's
    C. 4 rds with 145# squat cleans

  3. A: 185, 205, 225, 235(x2, PR)
    B1: 65, 85, 95
    B2: strict pull ups 8,7,7
    C: 4 + 1, with 5" HSPU support, @ 155 #, with 70# KBs

  4. A. 215,225,235,235(f)
    B1. 115, 115, 135(6)
    B2. CTB 25.. Stopped.
    D. 4rds 8 reps

  5. A. 215,225,235,235
    B. 75
    C. 4+7 @ 135#
