Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Wednesday October 22nd, 2014


A. Clean Grip DL. 2.2. x 4 sets rest 10s / rest 2 minutes  --more weight than last week if form is good.
B. seated russian med ball twist 15-20 x 5 sets.  Focus on twisting with core, not swinging arms.
C. side plank on elbow ASMSAP x 5.    keep the standard.

AMRAP in 15 mins
50m farmers walk --heavy
30 second - hollow rock
5 power cleans.    

may sub 5 DL, 5 KBS  for power cleans


A. Clean Pulls; 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 minutes
B. Hanging 1/2 Windshield Wipers; 12- 20 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 seconds
C. Side Plank on Hand with Feet Elevated @ 8-12″; As Many Seconds As Possible x 4 sets/arm; rest 60 seconds between arms

AMRAP in 15 minutes:
50m Farmers Walk --heavy
30 second – Hollow Rock
5 Power Cleans 185/125 ---scale to 70% of 1RM PC.

"sweat sesh"
ride the Airdyne for 50 mins
first 10 mins at z1 pace
second 10 mins, on the top of every minute pedal hard for 12s, pedal easy for rest of min.
third 10 mins at z1 pace
fourth 10 mins on the top of every minute pedal hard for 12s, pedal easy for rest of min.
fifth 10 mins at z1 pace.


  1. A. 255,275,295,295,295. Felt good here. bit more weight and more pop this week.

    B. 20 reps x 5 sets. better than last week.
    C. 75s per side x 4.
    D. 7 rds + FW+hollow rocks+ 2 power cleans. FW@85#, pc @185.

  2. A. 235, 255, 265, 275, 275, 275
    B. Russian twists with 55# kb
    C. ~35s per side
    D. 7 rds + FW+hollow rocks. FW@65/70#, pc @185.

  3. A. 235x5 sets
    B. 45# Russian twists
    C. 1 min per side
    D. 7 rounds flat

  4. A.255
    B. 45# Russian twist
    C. 1min per side
    D. 7rds... 245# dl for pc
