complete events on your own :
Event 2: Standing Triple Jump
Event 6: 3k run. 7.5 laps on a track or 200m less than 2 miles.
Event 2:
Standing Triple Jump
- The first phase is a hop from a stand still, which requires the athlete to take-off from a two-footed stand, split in mid air, and land on the preferred foot. The next phase is a long stretched step, landing on the opposite foot. The last phase is the jump, where the athlete lands on both feet: Allowed 3 attempts
- MUST stick 2-foot landing in order for it to count - i.e. both feet planted, meausre it taken from back of heel of foot furthest back
- feet sliding upon final land is considered a failed attempt
- falling forward is fine as long as feet remain in place for measure - i.e. tipping forward once landed
- falling backward will result in a measure taken from the point of your body furthest back towards take off area
- falling to the side is the same result as long as feet are solidly placed on ground for measure - i.e. no sand pit landing
Scoring: Furthest distance in feet + inches achieved in best of the 3 attempts