*take 12 minutes and work on a movement or new skill that you want to become more efficient at. You can cycle between multiple exercises, however keep the volume and weight on the lower end.
Ideas include double unders, pull-ups, dips, Oly work at light loads etc.,
Partner workout
200 meter farmers carry, 65#/45#
amrap burpees
2 minute (accumulated) chin up hold
amrap 20 meter sandbag carry walk,
*every time your partner comes off the bar you must stop walking
plank accumulate 3 mins in FLR
partner does AMRAP T2B during that time.
*in this workout, while partner A does the farmers carry, partner B will amrap burpees, then they will switch roles. Once Partner B finishes the burpees they will move onto the chin up hold and the sandbag carry. They will continue in this fashion until each person completes each movement.