Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Wednesday January 21st, 2015

Remainder of the week January 21-25th, 2015

Lifestyle ---Remainder of week


Upper Body Pull/ Lower Body Push
3 sets:
A1. T Bar Row x 8 with hold at top; rest 1 min
A2. Goblet Squat x 10; rest 1 min

4 sets:
B1. Ring Rows x 10; rest 1 min
B2. BB Front Rack Lunges x 16; rest 1 min

AMRAP 8 min
5 burpees
15 KBS
15 squats


10 min amrap @80%
4 box jumps step down
12m bear crawl - one length of gym
1 min FLR

rest 5 min

10 min amrap @80%
Row 12 cals
5 push ups
15m FW – moderate  approx 35# for women.

rest 5 min

10 min amrap @80%
AD 5 min – cals
Row 5 min – meters


A1. 15 Goblet Squats. Rest 1 minute
A2. 15 Ring Rows. Rest 1 minute
A3. 15 wtd. sit-ups. Rest 1 minute
A4. 15 Russian KBS- moderate. Rest 1 minute
A5. 15 Push Press, barbell or dumbbell - moderate. Rest 2 minutes!


We are following the below blog. The workout can be found under the below link, then click on the tab for the "being" group.


*post on that blog. I will check it and they do some data collection there.  


  1. A. 5+10 (sub 5 ring dips)
    B. 4 rds
    C. 3+11

  2. A. 5rds + 10 reps
    B. 6rds + 15 reps
    C. 4rds + 5 reps

  3. Built quickly to heavy BS at 95% = 305#. Felt good to build quick. In nanos and without knee sleeves.
    4+1 (misread and only rested 5min)

  4. A. Bench press 217# x 3 for 2 sets.
    B. Close grip Bench press 190# x3 for 2 sets
    C. Incline bench 180# x 3 for 2 sets

  5. Thursday:
    Week 8 heavy deadlifts
    A. Built to 1 set at 395# for a double (5 seconds between reps)
    B. 3 sets Speed DL 290# x3

  6. Friday:
    A. 2 sets Light bench 150# x 10
    B. Accessory work. Speed bench. Abs. Dips. Push ups
    C. Death by power cleans at 135#
    -9 full rounds plus 5 reps

  7. Friday:
    A. 125
    B. 155
    C. 9rds + 4
    D. 4rds + 200m
