Sunday, January 18, 2015

Monday January 19th, 2015

Week 4
Day 1 Upper Body Push/Lower Body Pull

3 sets:
A1. Single Arm Floor Press x 10/arm; rest 1 min
A2. Superman Iso Hold 1 min; rest 1 min

4 Sets
B1. Perfect Push-ups x 10; rest 1 min.  These should be challenging but perfect form reps.
B2. GH Raises x 10; rest 1 min

For Time:
21, 15, 9 rep rounds for time:
Box Jumps - 24/18″


Slam-Fest competitors should get in some active recovery, foam rolling and stretching. 

Those that did not do Slam-Fest:

A. Squat Snatch @ 80% 1RM 6-8 singles; rest 90 seconds
B. Front Squat; 5 reps x 5 sets; rest 3 minutes

For time:
75 Wall Balls
150 Double Unders


  1. A. Did my 8 reps at 140. Really needed this. Still need speed under bar work. But this was a good session

    B. Used 225# 5x5

    C. Did not do

  2. A. 8 reps between 115-135.
    B. 5x5 at 205#
    C. 21,15,9 burpees and box jumps. 5:29

  3. Doing a mix for a while to let my back heal.
    A1. Floor press #55
    A2. Superman hold x60sec
    B1. Hand stand pushups x30 total
    B2. Reverse GHD holds
    C. 75 wallballs/150 DU - 8:21

  4. A. 160 x 8
    B. 225 x 5 x 5
    C. skipped, basketball game later
