Saturday, November 29, 2014

Monday December 1st, 2014

A. Snatch technique.  build to a moderate double. 

B1. Front Squats 5 reps x 5 sets; rest 1minute
B2. Broad Jump Cluster 1.1.1 x 5 sets; rest 3 minutes

AMRAP in 10 minutes
10 Thrusters - moderate
10 Bar-Facing Burpees
40 single unders or 40 count mountain climber

A. 1RM Squat Snatch Gauntlet – start at 115#/65# and add 10# every minute until failure
B1. Front Squats; 5 reps x 5 sets; rest 1 minute
B2. Box Jump Clusters*; x 5 sets; rest 3 minutes

AMRAP in 10 minutes:
10 Thrusters @ 105#/ 75#
10 Bar-Facing Burpees
40 Double Unders

box jumps should be high but doable. Step down and rest 10s between reps. 

this weeks training
Tues- SPlit Jerk work + UB volume Open style WOD
Weds- Clean work + DL/BJ open style WOD
thurs- rest or aerobic work
Fri - UB push/pull  + UB conditioning
Sat- Squat and clean work + pulls from floor and squat conditioner

Friday, November 28, 2014

Saturday November 29th, 2014

A. Push Press - Build to a 5RM

B. AMRAP in 20 mins
20 push press - moderate.  May use DBs. 
20 sit-ups.     may scale up to GHD or Knee to Elbows
20 burpees. 


A. Push Press – Build to a 5RM

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
20 Push Press @ 115#/ 75#
20 Toes-to-Bar
20 Bar-Facing Burpees

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Friday November 28th, 2014

A. Power Clean technique.  Build to a moderate triple with good form.  Reset between each rep. 

B. 10-15 KBS per minute for 8 minutes.  

3 minute – Airdyne for Max Calories


A. Power Clean – Build to a 1RM
B. AMRAP in 8 minutes – Power Cleans @ 90% today’s 1RM

3 minute – Airdyne for Max Calories

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thursday November 27th, 2014

Make up Wednesday workout or complete the following aerobic work:

at sustainable pace
1 min AD
1 min row
1 min jump rope
1 min Front Leaning Rest
1 min mountain climber
x 6 sets

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Wednesday November 26th, 2014

A. complete 70 ring rows.  NOT for time, for quality.  Have a coach check form. 

B. DB Bench Press 10-12 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 seconds  if you hit the upper end of rep range use a heavier set of DB on next set. 

C. 8 rounds for time
6 sit-ups
9 burpees
Airdyne 12/10 calories.  

For time:
75 CTB pull-ups.
*If you have more than 20 unbroken CTB, complete in sets of 5 unbroken only.
12 min time cap

scale to
40 CTB
40 pull-ups
if you have between 8-20 unbroken

scale to
50 CTB if you have less than 5 unbroken

B. Bench Press; 10-12 reps x 5 sets; rest 90 seconds

8 rounds for time:
6 Toes to bar or GHD sit-ups.    Stagger start and use GHD if possible,
12 Burpees
48 Double Unders

Monday, November 24, 2014

Tuesday November 25th, 2014

Fitness and Performance:

Partner 10k row. Alternate every 500m. goal is to keep same pace per set or INCREASE slightly.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Monday November 24th, 2014

A. Thruster - Build to a 3RM ---may take from a squat rack
B.  Rear-Foot Elevated Split Squat @ 30X1 Tempo – Build to a 8RM per leg.  MUST MAINTAIN TEMPO

C. for time
75 wall balls
15 rings rows
15 push-ups
15 ring rows
15 push-ups

D. Double under practice for 10 mins. 


A. Thruster – Build to a 1RM ---may take from a rack if you'd like
B. Rear-Foot Elevated Split Squat @ 30X1 Tempo – Build to a 8RM per leg.  MUST MAINTAIN TEMPO

“Open 13.3″
AMRAP in 12 minutes:
150 Wall Balls
90 Double Unders
30 Muscle-ups

Training for the rest of the week:
Tuesday- row repeats
Wednesday - Upper body volume + burpee/DU conditioning.
Thursday- aerobic work- around the world style
Friday - power clean work plus a short cyclical tester.
Saturday --Push Press work plus a 20 min UB emphasis Open style workout.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Saturday November 22nd, 2014

5 sets:
A1. Negative pull-ups   6 sets of 5.  Rest 1 minute
A2. GH Raises x 8 reps.  Rest 1 minute

B. 4 Front Squats on the minute for 10 minutes.  Moderate.  May use goblet squat or double KB front squat. 

C. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
15 Box Jump- step down
10 KBS - moderate.  

A. Deadlift – Build to a 1RM
B. Squat Clean @ 65% 1RM: 3 reps on the minute for 10 minutes

“Open WOD 14.1″
AMRAP in 10 minutes:
30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatches @ 75#/55#

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Friday November 21st, 2014

A. Shoulder Press  5,5,3,3.  REst 2 minutes between.
B. Split Jerk- technique work.  Build to a moderate double. 

For time, 21-15-9
Push Press- moderate or with DB.  Should not be able to do set of 21 or 15 unbroken.
Ring Rows.  

D. not for time
30 push-up
30 GHD sit-ups


A. Shoulder Press – Build to a 1RM
B. Split Jerk – Build to a 1RM

For time, 21-15-9:
Push Press @ 135#/85
CTB Pull-ups

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Thursday November 20th, 2014

10 min amrap @80%:
Row 250m
5 strict HSPU or 5 ring dips or 5 perfect push-ups
35 DU or 25s jump rope

– SAME times per round

rest 5 min

10 min amrap @80%:
Airdyne 15/10 cals
5 burpees
12m walking lunge  (length of gym)

– SAME times per round

more testing coming on Friday and Saturday.  Lots of PR's guaranteed!
Testing on Friday will include Press and Split Jerk
Testing on Saturday will include Deadlift 1RM and an Open workout. 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Wednesday November 19th. 2014

A. same

B. For time
Thursters- moderate
Barbell-Facing Burpees


A. Power Clean Clusters; x 5 sets; rest 2 minutes

“Open WOD 14.5"
For time, 21-18-15-12-9-6-3:
Thrusters @ 95#/65#
Barbell-Facing Burpees

30 minute time cap. Compare to open workout 14.5 from March 2014.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Tuesday November 18th, 2014

make up yesterday if you are not coming tomorrow. 

30 sets:
30 second – Airdyne @ 90%
30 second – Airdyne @ 50%

tomorrow will be hard.  resist the urge to do extra if you will train tomorrow.

hint for tomorrow's workout.  We did this in March 2014. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Monday November 17th, 2014

Sunday's class will be at 3:00pm with a party at Jen V's to follow!


A. for time
5k Row

B. complete (not for time)
     50 push -ups
     30 ring rows 

may be done in any order to help get everyone through the 5k row.

A. Squat Clean – Build to a 1RM

B. Muscle-up Technique Work

*If recovered from Saturday do 6 on the minute until failure. 8 minute cap.
*If not proficient choose less per minute to do and cap at 8 mins.

For time:
5K Row

some more testing this week, if you have been training consistently you will PR. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Saturday November 15th, 2014

A. Waiter's walks  25m per arm.  Rest 30s.   x 16 sets.  8/arm.
B. 50 push-ups to 3" depth.   Touch chest to object 3" off ground. Accumulate this in as few sets as possible. Rest as needed between sets. 

C. 40-60 ring rows.  Accumulate 10 more reps than last week.
D. 15 minute- Row @easy pace. Work on your form and mechanics here. 

A. Freestanding Handstand Hold – Technique Work for 10 minutes
B. Strict Handstand Push-ups: 50 reps for time.   Cap at 15 mins.  Compare to October 21,2014.

C. Muscle-ups – 30 Reps for time.   Cap at 10 minutes.  Sub tech work

15 minute – Airdyne @ Easy Pace

– Rest as needed between B and C to ensure some recovery

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Friday November 14th, 2014

A. OHS 3,3,2,2,2.   Build this to a tough 2. 

B. Front Squat.  Build to a 1RM with good form. 

 8 sets*:
20 second – Thrusters --moderate.
10 second – Rest


A. Squat Snatch – Build to a tough single.

B. Front Squat – Build to a 1RM

8 sets*:
20 second – Thrusters @ 95#/65#
10 second – Rest

C: go for max reps each set. DON’T “pace” it for sustainability. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Thursday November 13th, 2014

make up workout from Wednesday or

8 sets @consistent effort:
Row 250m
2 TGU per arm.  1/arm.  moderate weight
35 DU
15 sec top of ring dip hold.    Scale to bar dip or 15s plank.

rest walk 1 min


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Wednesday November 12th, 2014

A. Snatch Grip Deadlift 5,4,3,2,1.  Build per set. 

B. Hanging leg raises --accumulate 30 reps.  Keep them strict! We are trying to work towards an L-hold. This will take time, but if you are disciplined and work it frequently, you will be able to do it!

C. For time:
30 hang power snatches- moderate
750m/600m row


A. Clean Pulls; 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 rest 2 minutes  May get this up to ~110% of 1RM.

B. Inverted Bar Hangs; accumulate 1 more minute than last week.  Goal is 3 minutes total.

For time:
30 Hang Power Snatches @ 95#
750m/600m Row

Monday, November 10, 2014

Tuesday November 11th, 2014

A1. DB Press  10,10,10. Rest 1 minute.
A2. GHD sit-ups 10,10,10.  Rest 1 minute
B. 30 push-ups.  not for time.  For quality. 

C. 30 ring rows. not for time. for quality.
D. AMRAP in 3 minutes burpees.  Compare to November 26th, 2013.  

*if you missed yesterday, do the back squat work in place in A1 and A2.

A. Sotts Press – Technique Work; sets of 3-5 reps focusing on perfect positioning (not load)

B. Strict Handstand Push-ups: accumulate 60 perfect reps (not for time)

AMRAP in 4 minutes:
4 Push Press @ 155#
4 Muscle-ups

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Monday November 10th, 2014

A. OHS.  Build to a tough 3 reps.  More weight than last week!

B. Back Squat - build to a 5RM

C. accumulate 90s of l-sit from bar. Do your best to hold it.

D. EMOM for 16 mins
Odd- 4-5 TnG Deadlifts @ moderate weight
Even- 6-10 sit-ups


A. Squat Snatch – 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 hit between 80-90% of your 1RM for 5-7singles. May build and go a bit higher if everything is clicking and feeling good. We are really looking to nail some perfect reps today, so today should be about MAKING reps.

B. Back Squat – Build to a 5RM

C. Seated “L”-Rope Climbs: accumulate 10  reps --not for time.

sub is 30 total L-pull-ups.

EMOTM for 16 minutes:
Odd Minutes: 5 TnG Deadlifts @ 315#.    use 70% of 1RM
Even Minutes: 10 Sit-ups

“Sweat Sesh”
30 sec. AD @ 90%
30 sec. AD @ 50%
x30 minutes

Friday, November 7, 2014

Saturday November 8th, 2014

A. wall climbs 3 reps every 2 mins for 16 mins
B. Overhead DB tricep extension x 12 reps x 3 sets. Same weight or more than last week.
C.Ring Rows- accumulate 30-50 perfect reps. Do 10 more reps than last Saturday. Perfect form

AMRAP in 17 minutes:
17 Power Cleans - use light weight and be mindful or form.
17 Bar-Facing Burpees
17 Box Jumps

A. Freestanding Handstand Hold – Technique Work for 10-12 minutes
B. Paralette or Deficit Handstand Pushups – 39 perfect reps in sets of 3 unbroken*
C. Muscle-up tech work 10 mins

AMRAP in 17 minutes:
17 Power Cleans @ 135#/ 85
17 Bar-Facing Burpees
17 Box Jumps @ 24″/18"

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Friday November 7th, 2014

A. OHS  4,4,3,3,3

B, Front-Rack Rear-Foot-Elevated Split Squats (AKA Bulgarian SS) ; 8-10 reps x 4 sets/leg; rest 1 minute between side

C. 60 Thrusters - moderate
    40 front squats - little tougher
    20 deadlifts  -- tougher


A. TnG Squat Snatch; 4 reps x 4 sets; rest 2 minutes

B. Front-Rack Rear-Foot-Elevated Split Squats; 8-10 reps x 5 sets/leg; rest 1 minute between sides

For time:
60 Thrusters @ 95#/65
40 Overhead Squats @ 135#/85.    Use ~70% of 1RM
20 Squat Cleans @ 205#/ 115        Use ~ 70% of 1RM

30 min time cap

– TnG Squat Snatch: try not to rest the bar at any point other than overhead
– Part C: use one bar, change your own weights. No Racks.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Thursday November 6th, 2014

Make up Wednesday's workout or: 

10 minute row warm up
2 minutes on the AD @ 80% effort
1 minute on the rower @ 50% effort
x10 rounds

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Wednesday November 5th, 2014

A. Deadlift 2,1,1,1.  Keep good form! Record your PR!
B. Hanging leg raises x 5 reps, then hang for 30-45s
C. DB Side Bends; 12-15 reps x 5 sets/side; rest 1 minute between sides

D. 75 DB snatches for time.  Choose a light DB. 


A. Clean Pulls; 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 rest 2 minutes
B. Inverted Single Bar Hangs; accumulate 45 seconds x 5 sets; rest 2 minutes.  Try to use a bar this week.
C. DB Side Bends; 12-15 reps x 5 sets/side; rest 1 minute between sides

For time:
75 Power Snatches @ 75#/55#

Monday, November 3, 2014

Tuesday November 4th, 2014

*Must have 5 consecutive strict pull-ups and have been training 4x per week for last couple months to do part C in Performance.  Instead, please complete C and D from the Fitness group. *

A. 60 secs in bottom of squat. Rest 1 minute x 6.
B. TGU x 30. Not for time, steady pace, alternate arms every rep.
C. Accumulate perfect 60 ring rows.

D. for time
75 burpee box jumps


A. Sotts Press – Technique Work; sets of 3-5 reps focusing on perfect positioning (not load)
B. Wall-Facing Handstand Hold; accumulate 90 seconds x 5 sets; rest 2 minutes

For time:
100 Burpee CTB Pull-ups

– Handstand Holds: ensure perfect shoulder mechanics, and only allow toes to be in contact with the wall
– Part II: bar should be ~6 inches above max reach
- only use CTB pull-ups if your max set of CTB is more than 15 consecutive. Otherwise 100 burpee pull-ups for time

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Monday November 3rd, 2014

A. OHS, build to a tough 3 reps . 
B. Back Squat, 10 reps x 5 sets. 
C. Chin-up negatives x 5 reps for max time x 4 sets. Rest 1-2 mins.
D. “Tabata” Sit-ups (for max reps each set)

AMRAP in 4 minutes
15 KBS
10 Calories on the Airdyne 


A. Squat Snatch – Build to a 1RM for the day
B. Back Squat Clusters*; 5.3.1 x 5 sets; rest 3 minutes between sets
C. Wide-Grip Isometric Chin-Above-Bar Holds: accumulate 4-5 minutes
D. “Tabata” Sit-ups (for max reps each set)

AMRAP in 4minutes:
10 Hang Power Cleans @ 185#/105#
10 Calorie Airdyne

A. once you miss a weight twice stop. May stop before that. 
B. if you hit all reps last week try to use same loads or a small amount more. If you did not do this workout last week only do 4 sets. 
C. accumulate 1 more minute than last week.  May superset with B. 
D. all out each set from the start. no "gaming"
E. weight should be heavy, ~70% of 1RM clean

“Sweat Sesh”
30 minutes on the AD or Rower
30 sec. @ 80%
30 sec. @ 50%