Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

for reps:
30 sec amrap strict chin ups supinated
30 sec amrap cals (airdyne)
30 sec amrap goblet squat (1.5/1pd)
1 min amrap strict chin ups pronated
1 min amrap cals (airdyne)
1 min amrap goblet squats (1.5/1pd)
90 sec amrap strict chin ups mixed grip
90 sec amrap cals (airdyne)
90 sec amrap goblet squats (1.5/1pd)

1 comment:

  1. I found it hard to get from the pullup bar and into the rower quickly enough--esp. on the 30 second round I only had time to get in a few strokes, especially since I was also trying to write down reps from the pullups. Got confused, and didn't get the cals. recorded. For pullups, I got 15, 9, and 14. For squats, I got 10, 23, and 33.
