Sunday, August 7, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

5 sets
4 tough back squat
7 fast burpees
10 fastest chin ups chin over vertical plane

rest/walk actively/ row easy/ air-dyne easy for 6 mins between sets.

The back squat reps should be tough to complete. Use a weight that challenges you. The burpees are as fast as you can drop and touch chest to deck and get back up. Then immediately get on the chin-up bar and perform your chins as fast as you can. After going hard on this triplet you will need ALL 6 minutes of the active rest. The goal is to go all out on each interval.

A coach will scale your reps as necessary. Post weight used for back squat and times per set to comments.

1 comment:

  1. Did this on 8/9. Took it easy with back squats since I haven't worked out in a while.

    BS: 185,205,225,225,225
