Sunday, September 25, 2011

Monday September 26th, 2011

*Tuesday's evening class will be at 5:30, not 6pm this week
7 sets ALL OUT effort:
Dead Lift 3 reps tough Touch and Go reps.
Row Sprint 100 m
rest walk 2:45 actively
FLR on rings - 300 sec accumulated

Touch and Go means no pause at the top or the bottom. GO AS HEAVY AS YOU CAN WHILE KEEPING THE PACE. Then immediately get on the rower and row as hard as you can until the 100m is up. 

Post Deadlift weights and row times for all 7 sets to comments. 

1 comment:

  1. Did deadlifts with 185 through all 7. Row times: 43, 44, 42, 39, 38, 40, 40. For the ring hold, I made it 4 minutes, took 15 seconds rest, then did another minute. Rower as always was slow.
