Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Wednesday September 17th, 2014

A. Squat Clean from high hang,  build to a tough double. -----KEEP it at the high hang position. I'm not interested in seeing how much you can catapult/slingshot.

B. emom – 10mins
odd – 3 MU
even – 10 KBS 70/45 or 55

C. emom – 12mins
odd – 8-10 goblet squat @21X1 70/45 or 55.
even – 4-6 burpees + 15 DU

D. emom – 10mins
odd – 8-10 T2B
even – AD or ROW 10sec 97% effort

- rest no more than 2mins btw emom sets

fitness version
A. same
B. sub 5 ring rows for MU. 
C. practice DU
D. sub hanging leg raises or GHD sit-ups or weighted sit-ups. 


  1. A. 225. 240x1. couldn't re-grip for 2nd rep.

    complete the EMOM.

    Crossover symmetry recovery. 1 minute hang per arm.

  2. A. 185. Got 205 for 1
    B. Completed all EMOMs
    C. Crossover recovery protocol.

  3. A: 155#
    B: smashed all EMOM, subbed tough set of strict pull ups for MU: 5, 5, 5, 4, 3
