A. Close grip bench press @30X0; 5×5; rest 3mins
3 sets :
B1. amrap HSPU 2″ deficit --15 rep max; rest 20sec. ---sub push-up or ring push-up
B2. L – pull up 6-8 ; rest 20sec --sub strict pull-up
B3. 10 KB hang clean and jerk 55/35; rest 20sec ----use lighter DB.
B4. amrap rope climbs in 45sec; -----sub 50m farmers walk.
rest 3mins x 3
B1. amrap HSPU 2″ deficit --15 rep max; rest 20sec. ---sub push-up or ring push-up
B2. L – pull up 6-8 ; rest 20sec --sub strict pull-up
B3. 10 KB hang clean and jerk 55/35; rest 20sec ----use lighter DB.
B4. amrap rope climbs in 45sec; -----sub 50m farmers walk.
rest 3mins x 3
every 2 mins 4 TGU alt hands per rep. Use something heavy that forces you to concentrate and work.
x 4-5sets
fitness version
A. Push-up variant. Accumulate 50 difficult reps. May be strict push-ups, clapping, ring push-ups etc.,
3 sets:
B1. seated DB Press overhead x 8-12 reps. Choose light weight. Limit extension. rest 20s.
B2. BEST effort strict pull-ups x 6 / hanging leg raises x 6
B3. same
B4. farmers walk 50m
A. 185, 205,205, 215x4, 215x4
ReplyDeleteB1. 4" deficit. 4,4,3.
B2. 6,7,7
B3. only had 45# KB complete.
B4. mixed grip pull-ups 8,8,8
C. TGU only had 45# KB.
50 burpees for time : 2:20. 150 total burpees on the day.
A. 135 x 5 sets
ReplyDeleteB1. Did 3 reps with 45lb plates. Went down to 2 10lb plates and got 5, and 9. Should practice on 45lb plates.
B2. 6,7,6
B3. Used 35lb kettle bell. Not comfortable with this movement. Makes elbow feel funny. Wasn't sure if it was single arm or double arm kb. Used single.
B4. 3,3,4
C. TGU at 45#. This is still a huge weakness for me.
A. 185,185,185,195,205
ReplyDeleteB. 1-didn't do deficit
C. TGU at 70#