A. Front Squat @ 33X1 tempo; 3 reps x 4 sets
B. 6 minute EmOM
odd = 5 pendlay rows
even = ring rows @ 3xx3 tempo. complete for 25s
odd = 5 pendlay rows
even = ring rows @ 3xx3 tempo. complete for 25s
C. 8 minute EmOM
odd = 20 sec. dip support. Hold self in bottom of dip.
even = 35 sec. row @ 80%
10 minute amrap
goblet squats
calories on AD
A. Front Squat @ 33X1 tempo @ 60% of BS max; 3 reps x 4 sets. rest 2-3 mins between sets. Mind the tempo!! This is the whole point of this lift!
B. 6 minute EmOM
odd = 5 pendlay rows
even = 1-2 legless rope climbs
odd = 5 pendlay rows
even = 1-2 legless rope climbs
C. 8 minute EmOM
odd = 3 wall climbs
even = 15/10 cal row
10 minute amrap
FS @ 155/105
40 minute row for max calories
Most days there will be a "sweat sesh". This will be an aerobic session for those that wish to do doubles or for those that want to sweat but need a break from barbells and gymnastics