Monday- no class
Tuesday- 6pm
Wednesday - 5pm
Thursday - 6pm
Friday - 9am
Saturday - 10am
Sunday 2/24
Tuesday- 6pm
Wednesday - 5pm
Thursday - 6pm
Friday - 9am
Saturday - 10am
Sunday 2/24
Home training
A. push-ups on the minute. 1 rep the first minute, 2 reps the second minute, 3 reps the third minute and so on until you do not complete the required amount of reps. These can be broken you just need to complete the reps in the 60s time frame.
*make these perfect form and if you fail before the round of 10, make sure to complete through the round of 10 off the clock. *
B. front leaning rest. 30s hold for 3-10 sets. Rest 30s. Squezze your butt and brace your abs!
C. side bridge accumulate 45-60s per side x 3 sets. no rest between sides.
Tuesday 2/26
4 sets
A1. Snatch Grip deadlift.
4-6 reps. Rest 20s
A2. AMRAP double unders in 30s. rest 3 minutes
Complete 8 rounds (4 per partner) as fast as possible.
Each partner complete a full round and then rests while
other partner complete a full round.
8 KBS – moderate weight
8 burpee box jumps – 18#
4 sets:
A1. Snatch Grip Deadlift 3-4 reps. Rest 20s
A2. AMRAP double unders in 30s. Rest 3 minutes
Partner workout:
Complete 10 rounds (5 per partner) as fast as possible.
Each partner complete a full round and then rests while
other partner complete a full round.
10 KBS – moderate weight
10 burpee box jumps – 24#
Wednesday 2/27
A1. Shoulder Press 6-8.
Rest 30s
A2. Chin up negatives – 3 reps with 5s descent. Rest 3
3 rounds for time
15 sit-ups
15 push-ups (use
plates to assist with finding a depth where you can get 5-7 reps to start
15 wall balls
A1. Shoulder Press 4-6 reps.
Rest 30s
A2. Weighted chin ups
3-5 reps. Rest 3 minutes
3 rounds for time:
15 toes to bar
20 push-ups (use rings for those that can easily get 20
25 wall balls