Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Wednesday December 17th, 2014

Fitness and Performance: 

A. Deadlift – Build to a tough single  ----does not have to be a 1RM.  Just get to a tough single then move on to warming up to breathe hard in B.

AMRAP in 6 minutes:
12 Deadlifts @ 165# / 115#  ---scale a relatively moderate weight
12 Box Jumps

C. Airdyne or Row cool down  10-15 mins + stretch and mobility. 


  1. Week 3 bench
    A. 2 sets Bench press 167# x 8
    B. 2 sets Narrow grip BP 147# x 8
    C. 2 sets incline BP 137# x 8

  2. A. 385
    B. 6rds + 5 reps

  3. A) 375x2
    B) 305x3 - 6 sets
    C) 3 sets x 8 reps
    SLDL #135
    Strict behind the neck pull-ups
    Barbell row #135
    Reverse GHD
