A. Snatch Technique - build to a moderate single.
B. Back Squat 3,3,3. Build per set.
C. AMRAP in 7 minutes
DB squat clean thrusters - heavy
A. Squat Snatch – Build to a 1RM
B. Back Squat – Build to a 3RM
C Open workout 11.3
AMRAP in 5 minutes:
Squat Clean Thrusters @ 165#/ 110#.
Can be done as clean and jerk or as power clean/front squat and jerk.
Q: I just want to look good naked, what should I do?
A: Start the Lifestyle program, use barbell movements,
train consistently (3x per week) get plenty of sleep (7.5 minimum, strive for
Q: I can't get a pull-up, what should I do ?
A: train various pulling movements 3-4x per week. Must have consistent exposure to movement.
Movements can include partner assisted pull-ups, barbell rows, db rows, ring
rows, lat pull-downs, scap pull-ups, bicep curls
Q: My push-ups stink? Por que seƱor ?
A: again for upper body must have consistent exposure. 3-4 days
per week of pushing. This one is easy and can be done anywhere! Reminder
keep elbows tucked and tight.
Q: Is increasing training volume always the answer to
getting more fit?
A: no. You need to recover from training to make
adaptations that wlll lead to becoming more fit
Q: What should my deadlift, squat front squat ratio
A: a balanced athlete should strive for the following
Deadlift 1.25 of Back squat
Front squat 0.85 of back squat.
Power snatch 0.51 of back squat
Q: I want a muscle-up but can't even do a pull-up. Is
it possible?
A: of course it is. But it will take time. Possibly a
long time and you will have to train consistently. We have multiple people that
have gone from zero pull-ups to a muscle-up. But it might take a year or two
years to get there.
Q: Why so many wall balls ? Do you hate us ?
A: So many wall balls so we can be prepared for
CrossFit open. Also it’s an excellent
exercise for lower and upper body. No.
Q: What should I do if I don't care about the Crossfit
A: have fun in your training, pick some things you
would like to accomplish and attack them. Start the lifestyle program and train
in the way that YOU want. After all it is your journey.
Q: I want to do training program XYZ? Can I do it ?
A: Yes, it is your journey. Be smart and safe about it and let a coach
know. As long as it does not interfere with the group class for that day have
at it!
Q: Why do my legs hurt for DAYS after so many wall
A: a high volume of eccentric movements (i.e the
lowering portioning of a squat) will lead to DOMS (delayed onset muscle
soreness) Consistent , progressive training will help not make this so bad, but
do enough and it will still hurt.
Q: Scaling a workout or taking an extra rest day. When
is it smart training? When is it sandbagging? And how to tell the difference
A: hard one to answer. Have to go by feel. Too
individualized to answer fairly. Don’t have train through an injury or pain or
if you feel like an injury might occur.
Q: Protein and supplement consumption. What
supplements and how much are necessary and affective? At what point are you
just making your piss really expensive?
A: again VERY individualized. Person A is a female
looking to lose weight and “tone” up, Person B is a 140lb male looking to gain
muscle. Their protein requirements will likely differ greatly.
As far as
supplements, lots of studies out there that some can improve performance. No
legal supplement is going to turn someone from unable to do workouts Rx’d to
smashing everything in sight. So then it becomes a question of if you want to
pay a bit for supplements that over time and with consistent training might
improve your performance by 5% or 10%. I like to think of supplements as the
tip of the iceberg. If everything else below it is in place and solid then
maybe some supplementation can lead to improved performance. But its WAYYYYY more important to get those other things in
place before worrying about what supplements you “should” take.
Those other things I am referring to
train 3-6 times per week. If you are only training on average
1.5 or 2 times per week don’t worry about supps, find more time to train.
- sleep. If you
aren’t serious about your sleep, don’t try to make up the deficit with supps.
Figure out how to rearrange your life to get more sleep.
diet. If your
diet is 30% good, 70% garabge don’t bother with supps. Fix your diet first.