Sunday, March 31, 2013

Monday April 1st, 2013

For the entire month of April we will have every athlete select ONE skill or movement they wish to obtain or get better at. This skill will be the FOCUS of your warm-up and will be incorporated as skill or movement practice every day. You will still carry on with a typical warm-up to prepare for the workout of the day but will make sure to get a few dedicated minutes to your skill. 

Some choices:
Double unders
Pulling strength
pushing strength

10 min @ 90%:
10 wall balls
5 burpees
15 double unders

rest 5 min
10 min @ 90%:
5 Toes to Bar
10 burpee jumping chin ups - bar just out of reach
15 double unders

rest 5 min
10 min @ 90%:
10 ball slams
25m farmer's carry moderate weight
10 lunges

Friday, March 29, 2013

Saturday, March 30th, 2013 - Open WOD and Heats

Open WOD 13.4 and Heats

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below: @135#/95#
135 pound Clean and jerk, 3 reps
3 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 6 reps
6 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 9 reps
9 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 12 reps
12 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 15 reps
15 Toes-to-bar
135 pound Clean and jerk, 18 reps
18 Toes-to-bar...
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18, go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.

The first heat starts at 10 am, the gym will open at 9:30 for warm up.
Heat 1

Heat 2
Heat 3

Heat 4

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Friday March 29 , 2013

10 x 60 sec Row @ 75%/30 sec Row @ 50%
Clean and Jerk - 10 fast singles @ 135lb
10 x 60 sec Airdyne @ 75%/30 sec Airdyne @ 50%

If you are not completing the CrossFit open workout on Saturday then do yesterday's workout. 

Strategy for 13.4 - CrossFit Binghamton athletes

Breaking this down into a few groups for OUR athletes.

1 -  I have never clean and jerked 135/95 and don't think I can.
No problem we will take about 65% of your 1RM and you will still get a good workout in. You won't have a score to submit for 13.4 but think about how satisfying it will be when you do achieve this down the road!

 2 - I can Clean and Jerk 135/95 but it is tough and my 1RM is only 25 lbs or less more than that.
Treat every rep like a 1RM attempt, set up perfect, separate the clean and jerk and get through them in singles. Your effort will be slow methodical and precise. The goal is to not miss ANY clean and jerks. Then go to the toes to bar and stay away from redline and failure because you will need all that energy when you get back to the bar. First 3-4 minutes are slow and methodical. If you feel you can move a bit quicker do so but stay away from that redline.

 3 I can clean and jerk the weight but can't do toes to bar.  Again no worries do the CJ then we will substitute hanging leg raises and you can move through the workout. Your score will be capped at 3 reps but you will still get a good workout in.

4- I can clean and jerk the weight and my 1RM is ~30 lbs to 55lbs more than the Rx'd weight. Fast singles moving quickly. There is no need to go TnG as this weight will get heavy and you wouldn't be able to keep up the pace of fast singles for the whole 7 minutes so don't burn out early.

5- This weight is light for me and I have a sub 3:30 Grace. This is NOT a sprint.  Go ahead and do TnG for your rounds of 3 and 6. After this stay with short sets of TnG or fast singles. Be smart on the T2B and stay away from failure.  If you are going to exceed 75 reps on this WOD your grip will get smoked.

Best of luck to all our athletes and first and foremost have fun.

*Remember this week following the Saturday workout we will be having lunch hosted by Reliable Market.  Bring your appetite*

Thursday March 28th, 2013

A1. Front Squat  @30x1 - build to a tough triple

A2. push-ups.  AMRAP (-2) x 4 sets.  Rest 90s.

B. Double Under Practice - 8 minutes AMRAP.   If you get to 100 reps stop.

For time:
10 hanging leg raises
10 burpees
20 KBS - russian heavy
10 burpees
10 hanging leg raises

A1. Front Squat @ 20x1-  build to a tough triple.  Rest 1 minute

A2. Weighted Dips   3,3,3, 3.  rest 2 minutes

B. Double Under Practice -  8 minutes.  work on stringing together.  Max sets of 25 unbroken reps during the 8 minutes.

For time:
10 toes to bar
15 burpees
30 KBS - russian heavy ---mandatory break at 15 reps.
15 burpees
10 toes to bar.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wednesday March 27th, 2013

A. Snatch Grip Deadlift -   2,2,2,2,2.    Rest 2 minutes.    Focus on proper position not weight.  Do not use more than 110% of best snatch.   Get tension in hamstrings!
Row Sprints for total meters:
Teams of 4 

Each athlete rows for 1 min then rests 3 minutes while other teammates take their 1 minute turns.     x  6 sets. 

If there is more than 8 athletes at the session increase work to 75s and the rest to x 4, for 5 sets.  
If more than 10  work to 90s rest x5 , for 4 sets. 

Tuesday March 26, 2013

A. Power Clean x 1/ Push Press x 1/Push Jerk x 3;  
rest 2 minutes x 5


7 rds:
1 DB Power Snatch heavy R
20 m R arm waiters carry - same DB
1 DB Power Snatch heavy L
20 m L arm waiters carry - same DB
30 sec forced rest

*20m is length of gym and back. *

3 sets;
weighted sit-ups x 10   -
ball slams x 15
rest 60 sec

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Monday March 25th, 2013

A. Pull-ups  
CoreFit :  Ring Rows  4 sets x AMRAP.   Rest 2 minutes between.  Focus on scapular retraction. 
CrossFit:  AMRAP in 6 minutes. 1-5 CTB chin-ups

10 min @ 90%:
15 double unders
10 toes to bar / KTE / hanging leg raises
10 goblet squats.    55/35

(REST walk 5 min)

10 min @ 90% 
row 150 m
10/ 8 burpees
10/ 8 box jumps - 24/20" - step down

(REST walk 5 min)

10 min @ 90%:
15 calories on Airdyne 

10 KBS - moderate
10M/6 W hand release push ups  

Friday, March 22, 2013

Saturday March 23rd, 2013

CrossFit Open workout 13.3

AMRAP in 12 minutes
150 wall balls   20# to 10 ft/ 14# to 9 ft
90 double unders
30 muscle-ups


Thursday, March 21, 2013

Friday March 22nd, 2013

Six sets of:
Against a 2 minute running clock, complete the following:
300m Row
push-ups x max reps
Rest 2 minutes between sets

If you have muscle-ups and plan on getting there on Saturday complete the following instead: 

Six sets of:
Against a 2 minute running clock, complete the following:
250m Row
muscle-ups x max reps - limit of 2 reps per set. 

Thursday March 21st, 2013

Open 13.3 Prep and Strategy Guide for CrossFit Binghamton athletes.

A. Wall ball practice-  15 minutes.  Use this time to practice wall balls and come up with a proficient strategy to maximize YOUR ability to get through the wall balls. Accuracy and form are key on wall balls.

DO NOT ACCUMULATE MORE THAN 60 reps.  This is just some practice to get a feel, not a run through.

B. Double Under practice - 15 minutes.   AD sprint for 10-15s then immediately into a some double unders.


10 sets
30s Airdyne or Row @ 90%
30s walk off Airdyne or Rower.

Strategy for CrossFit Binghamton Athletes

Every person is going to be tackling this differently.

For those that will struggle with the Rx'd weight of the Wall Ball and can not string many reps together your goal will to be grind through the reps and get as many as you can in the 12 minutes.

For those that are relatively new but can handle Wall Balls in groups of 10-15 or so, a good strategy might be to do 10-15 wall balls rest 15-20s and then do 10-15 more. The key to getting through this for most is to be consistent.

For those that feel they are decently proficient at wall balls and want to get through most or all of the double unders you want to think in terms of some bigger sets.  Maybe sets of 20-25 with short rests between.

If you are very proficient at wall balls and double unders AND can get muscle-ups while fatigued the game plan will need to be fairly aggressive from the start and should essentially consider doing the 150 wall balls @ 90-95% effort. Short rest and then complete your double unders.

*Check your "Karen" times from August 13th, 2012 or December 4th, 2012 to get a feel for where you might be*

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wednesday March 20th, 2012

To those that are wondering we will be getting back to the CoreFit and CrossFit style programming once the Opens are complete. For now the workouts will mostly be the same. 

A. Back Squat - build to a tough single in 12 mins

B. Back Squat 3 x 5 @ 85% of A ; rest 2 min

AMRAP in 8 minutes
10 pull-ups / ring rows
15 unbroken wall balls
30 double unders

Monday, March 18, 2013

Tuesday March 19th, 2013

Both CoreFit and Crossfit

A1. Close Grip Bench Press @ 30X0; 3-4 x 4; rest 10 sec

A2. Ring Rows @ 30X3; 6-10 x 4; rest 90 sec   (this tempo mean 3s down, 0s in bottom, explode up, 3s hold at the top with scapula retracted and pulling tight.


3 sets @ 100%:
10 burpees AFAP
Row 250 m
(rest 4 min actively b/t sets)


3 sets @ 100%
10 burpees AFAP
20 calories on Airdyne
(rest 4 min actively b/t sets)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Monday March 18th, 2013

Tonight's class is canceled due to the winter storm.  Stay safe and we'll see you tomorrow!

10 min AMRAP @90%
Airdyne 10 cals
15 sit ups
20 lunges

Rest 5 min
10 min AMRAP @90%
10 kbs - moderate weight
10 wall balls
15 ball slams

Rest 5 min

10 min AMRAP @90%
10 toes to bar/hanging leg raises
Row 15 cals
20 double unders

Friday, March 15, 2013

Saturday March 16th, 2013 Open workout 13.2

10 minute AMRAP
5 Push press 115#/75#
10 deadlift    115#/75#
15 box jumps 

Heats :


Jon G



*Everyone please show up by 9:50 so we can brief everyone on the workout and have judges for our first heat. 

*Wear your best St. Patrick's Day outfit.  There will be prizes for best costume

* I have seen high scores on this workout from people using al different methods of getting on top of the box.  From step-up, step down to step down box jumps, to bounding box jumps.  Regardless of the method you do just keep moving. 

*Have fun!  

Thursday, March 14, 2013

March 15th, 2013

A. Push press; build to a tough single fast (not a 1rm)
B. 2 banded pull-ups, 2 banded dips for minute for 10 minutes

Airdyne sprint 15 seconds @100%
rest 2:15

Mobility on glutes/hips/calves/ankles/quad

CrossFit :
(from OPT website)

A. Push press; build to a tough single fast (not a arm)

B. 2-4 muscle ups on the min for 10 min
Airdyne sprint 15 seconds @100%
rest 2:15
Mobility on glutes/hips/calves/ankles/quad

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thursday March 14th, 2013

A.  band pull aparts   3 sets of 10.    Rest 1 minute

B. scapular retraction hold.   3 sets of 10s.  Rest 1 minute

Partner workout
total score is meters rowed at the end of 10 minutes
P1 rows 30s
P2 rows 30s

rest 5 mins

total score is calories
P1 Airdyne 30s
P2 Airdyne 30s
x 12

stretch and foam roll calves 10 minutes.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Wednesday March 13th, 2013

A. Back Squat @ 30X0; 8,6,6,4; rest 2 min OR step ups @ 1010; 6-8 x 4; rest 2 min
5 sets:
10/8 KB Swings (HEAVY Russian)
rest 1 min b/t sets
5 sets:
12/ 8 burpees AFAP
rest 1 min b/t sets
3 min AMRAP DU
5 sets:
airdyne/ row 20 sec AFAP
rest 2 min b/t sets

Monday, March 11, 2013

Tuesday March 12th, 2013

A.   Pronated pull-up negatives.   5s down.     3 reps x 5 sets.  Rest 90s
B. mixed grip chin-ups.       2-3 reps x 5 sets.   (add bands).  Rest 90s
C. supinated chin-ups     4 slow reps   x 5 sets.    add bands.  Rest 90s


3 rounds for time
10 burpee tuck jumps
row 250m


A.   Clean and Jerk  build to a heavy single.

5 sets @ increasing effort per round)
6 KBS heavy
6 burpee box jumps 24"/18"
Airdyne 20 calories.

rest 5 minutes between rounds

(start at 75% effort and increase effort per round.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Monday March 11th, 2013

10 min @ 90%
15 double unders
10 toes to bar
15 walking lunges

(REST walk 5 min)
10 min @ 90%:
row 150 m
10 ball slams
10 box jumps - 18" - step down

(REST walk 5 min)
10 min @ 90%:
30 "fast feet" on 6" plate
10 kbs - moderate
10 hand release push ups

Saturday March 9th, 2013

Level 1:

A1.  pull-up negatives (5 seconds down)  3 reps  x 6 sets.   Rest 1 minute.

5 sets
2 minutes row @ 50%
2 minutes airdyne @ 50%
2 minutes double unders

Level 2:

15 minutes mobility work.  Focus on low back, pecs and shoulders.
15 minutes skill work- your choice.


AMRAP in 15 minutes
10 weighted sit-ups
20 wall balls
30 double unders

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Friday March 8th, 2013

Gym opens at 5 p.m.   We will have 3 heats.  5:30, 6:00, 6:30. For this week please come as early as you can as we will explain the workout, range of motion standards and judging.  

Open WOD 13.1
17 minute AMRAP of:
40 Burpees
30 Snatch, 75 / 45 lbs
30 Burpees
30 Snatch, 135 / 75 lbs
20 Burpees
30 Snatch, 165 / 100 lbs
10 burpees
Max rep Snatch, 210 / 120 lbs 

Thursday March 7th, 2013

Ok so the Open workout has been released.
Take a look at it and the standards and then you can watch a quick strategy video below.  The strategy recommendations are for our athletes at Crossfit Binghamton.  It's broken into a handful of groups ranging from "I can not snatch barbell 2 (135#/75#) all the way to I can definitely snatch barbell 3.

SDV 1363 from pat skinner on Vimeo.

Some light snatch practice working up for ~ 10 minutes, noting maximal.

5 sets:
Row 30s @ 90%
Row 30s @ 50%

rest 2 minutes

5 sets:
ball slams 30s
rest 30s

rest 2 minutes

5 sets:
Airdyne 30s @ 90%
Airdyne 30s @ 50%

Those not doing the Open WOD with us Friday will take that on tonight.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wednesday March 6th, 2013


A. Front Squat - build to a moderate triple.

B.  power clean build to a moderate double.

for time
30 wall balls
20 toes to bar
10  burpees

Monday, March 4, 2013

Tuesday March 5th, 2013

4 sets: 
A1. Shoulder Press 4-6.  Rest 30s
A2. Chin up negatives – 3 reps with 5s descent. Rest 3 minutes.  Use less assistance than last week. 
5 minute AMRAP- double unders

rest 5 minutes

10 minute AMRAP
buy in with 40 calories on Airdyne - tan    or 30 calories on white or black
10 push-ups
10 box jumps - 18"

A1. Shoulder Press 3-4 reps.  Rest 30s
A2. Weighted chin ups   2-3 reps.   Rest 3 minutes

5 minute AMRAP - double unders

rest 5 minutes

10 minute AMRAP
buy in with 40 calories on Airdyne --white or black airdyne
10 push-ups
10 box jumps 24"

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Monday March 4th, 2013

A. snatch pull   2,2,2.  Rest 2 minutes

B. power snatch   build to a tough double in 8 minutes


Power snatch 95#/65#

rest 10 minutes

power snatch burpee

*CoreFit will use 10,7,4 rep scheme with appropriate weight.