B. emom – 12mins
odd – BB front rack walk lunge 135/85# 10 steps
even – 20 DU + 2 MU + 20 DU ----scale to 15, 3 CTB, 15 or less if needed.
odd – BB front rack walk lunge 135/85# 10 steps
even – 20 DU + 2 MU + 20 DU ----scale to 15, 3 CTB, 15 or less if needed.
12, 9, 6 for time all out
Power Clean and jerk 155/105# -----keep weight here unless this is greater than 80% of your 1RM.
burpee over the bar
- record weight and body weight for A
- go after the 12, 9, 6 hard and try to hold on (test it)
Fitness Version
A. same. could be PVC or 5 lbs added. Just work your form.
B. same with less weight or DB/KB in front rack.
thruster - heavy
hanging leg raises
burpee over the bar