Sunday, September 30, 2012

Training October 1st, 2012

Level 1

Quickly build to a tough single with good form in the power clean

4 sets
A1. Romanian Deadlift 6-8 reps  @ 3010.  Rest 1 minute.

A2. Russian Step-Up (add weight with DB or BB)  10 reps each leg.  Rest 1 minute

A3. mini band face pull with external rotation.  10 reps.   Rest 1 minute

For time:
Row 500m
20 reps DB Ground to Overhead (utilize either snatch or clean and jerk)
Run 400m

Level 2:
On a 20 minute timer build to a 1RM in the power clean


5 rounds for time:
5 power cleans  135#/85#
10 Box Jumps     24"/18"

Friday, September 28, 2012

Testing Saturday September 29th, 2012

Level 1

A. @ 90% effort
row 75m
7 burpees
5 kbs 
row 75m 

Testing :

for time:

Row 250m
15 KBS 
25 Burpees
15 KBS 
Row 250m

Level 2

A.@ 90%
row 75m
7 burpees
5 kbs
row 75m



For time:

Row 250m
15 KBS 
25 Burpees
15 KBS 
Row 250m

Females can you go under 7 minutes? How bout 6 minutes? Males under 6 minutes? How bout 5? 4? Workout Demo from May:

Training September 28th , 2012

Double under practice

Row 1k @ 95 % effort  - should be a but under 2k pace
Rest 15 mins - walk around a bit shake legs
Row 1k @ 95 % effort
Rest 15 mins- walk around a bit shake legs
Row 1k @95 % effort

*level 1 does 2 sets *

Goal is consistent output

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Training Thursday September 27th, 2012

5 sets of:

A1. DB Walking Lunges - 20 steps @1010.  GO HEAVY but stay at tempo. Rest 45s

A2. Push-ups 10-20 reps.  Scale up or down as needed to make reps challenging but doable. Rest 45s

A3. Supine Ring Rows or Pull-ups.  8-10 reps.  Rest 45s

A4. Double Unders 30-50 reps or 40s of attempts.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Training Wednesday September 26th, 2012

Level 1:
four sets of
A1. Deadlift 6-8 reps.  Rest 45s
A2. Turkish Get-up 1 rep per arm. Rest 45s
A3. Russian Step-ups   10 reps per leg. rest 45s

B. Three Sets
30s airdyne
30s rest
30s mountain climbers
30s rest
30s flutter kicks
30s rest

Level 2:
four sets of
A1. Deadlift  4-6 reps.  rest 20s
A2. Handstand Push-ups 6 reps.   Use a variant if you can not do HSPU.  Rest 3 mins

2 sets of
3 minute running clock
400m run
in remaining time
AMRAP Push Jerk 115#/80#

Rest 3 minutes between sets

Training, September 25th, 2012

Level 1:
A. Power Clean Technique work.  Build to comfortable clean reps.

B.  Four sets:
KB Swings x 20 reps
rest 45s
Shoulder Press x 6-8 reps
rest 45s
plank from elbows  x 45s

C. Teams of 2 with 1 working at a time ., 12 minute AMRAP
Shuttle run
15 sit-ups

Level 2:
A. On a 15 minute timer build to a heavy power clean. Not necessarily a max. 

B. Teams of 2 with 1 working at a time., 15 minute AMRAP
Run 200m
4 reps power clean @ 75% of A. 

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Training Monday September 24th,2012

Testing Front Squat 1RM + Anaerobic Lactic Power Training.

Level 1:
A1. Front Squat @30x2 4-6 reps x 5 sets.   Rest 1 minutes. Use more weight than last week.
A2.  5-10 strict perfect form push-ups.

  ALL OUT as fast as you can move:
4 sets
7 goblet squats AFAP  
5 burpees
Rest 4:30 between sets.

Level 2:
A1. Front Squat  - build to a NEW 1 rep max.  *If you are level 2 but have been with us for under 3 months, work up to a tough 3 reps in front squat.  *

A2. In between sets as you work up in A1 perform a couple fast burpees


ALL OUT as fast as you can move:
4 sets
7 Front Squats - AFAP @  ~ 40% of A1. 
7 burpees
Rest 4:30 between sets.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Training Friday, September 21st, 2012

A. Broad Jump.   Max Distance x 4 attempts.   Rest 1 minute between reps.

B. Standing Triple Jump.    Max distance x 4 attempts.  Rest 1 minute between reps.

C1 Power clean, 2-2-2-2-2;  2:00 rest

C2. Dips (ring or bar), 2-3 x 5, 21X1;  2:00 rest

5 sets
5 burpees AFAP
immediately into
rest 2 minutes between sets

Training Thursday September 20th, 2012

Max Aerobic Power Session
Double Under practice - 10 mins.   for those with double unders, unbroken sets of 30. 

10 minutes  @ 80% effort
5 toes-to-bar      (or ab variant)
10 kettlebell swings, moderate
15 air squats
5:00 rest

10:00 @ 80% effort:

7 box jumps, moderate w/mandatory step down
7 DB push presses, moderate
14 sit-ups

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Training Wednesday September 19th, 2012

Level 1
A1. Clean Grip Deadlift   3 reps x 5 sets.   Rest 90s.

A2. Push-ups AMRAP (-2)    x 5 sets     Rest 90s.


Row Sprint   25s.  Rest 3:35   x 5 sets.

Level 2

A1. Clean Grip Deadlift   3 reps x 5 sets.   Rest 2 minutes

A2. Ring Push-ups    AMRAP (-2)  x 5 sets.   Rest 2 minutes


Row Sprints 25s  Rest 3:35 x 5 sets.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Training Tuesday September 18th, 2012

8 Minutes of the following @ 90% effort
Airdyne 10 cals
10 DB One Arm Snatches (5 each arm)
5 Burpees

*Rest 4:00 Minutes*

8 Minutes of the following:
20 Double Unders or 40 Single Unders
10 DB One Arm Presses(5 each side)
5 Step Down Box Jumps

*Rest 4:00 Minutes*

8 Minutes of the following:
Row 250 Meters
15 Air Squats
10 Sit-Ups

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Training + a testing piece. September 17th, 2012

Level 1:
A1. Front Squat  4-6 reps x 5 sets.   Rest 1 minutes. Use more weight than last week.
A2.  strict chins-ups with bands   4-6 reps x 5 sets.   Rest 2 minutes

B. 150 walking lunges for time.  

Level 2:
A1. Front Squat   2-3 reps  x 6 sets.  rest 30s
A2. AMRAP strict chin-ups  x 5 sets.    rest 3 minutes

B.  200 walking lunges for time

Knee grazes the ground and stand up full for each rep.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Training Saturday September 15th, 2012

In teams of 2 with one member working at a time complete AS FAST AS POSSIBLE:

800m row
40 KBS - moderate weight
50 burpees
40 KBS- moderate weight
50 cals on the airdyne


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Training, Thursday September 13th, 2012

10 minutes double under practice.  


5 sets

A1. Chin-ups  -  10-15 kipping reps rest 10s

A2.  Box Jumps-mandatory step down  - 10 reps as fast as possible. rest 2 minutes.


FLR - accumulate 5 minutes total

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Training, Wednesday September 12th, 2012

Oly practice and Anaerobic Lactic Power. 

Clean and Jerk practice:    

Power Clean x 1 / Split Jerk x 3.   x 3 working sets.  rest  2minutes between sets. 


Airdyne repeats:

Airdyne - 20 sec @ highest effort and speed possible - 110%
REST walk off AD for 2:40 actively
repeat 7 times

For those that have not used the Airdyne and think this will be too easy, trust me it will not be.  

For those that have used the Airdyne and are thinking of skipping this session: Do not pick and choose your workouts, we are developing well rounded athletes and the ability to go hard and rest and recover is important. 

This type of work has SO MUCH carryover to everything else. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Tuesday September 11th, 2012

*For today's 5 min AMRAP's you need to get very very war and ready to dig in and push for 5 mins. When we start the clock it is all out effort. 

Level 1:

Hang Snatch Practice - 15 mins.  

as many rounds in 5 min @ 110% effort
5 KBS - heavy
5 burpees

REST 5 min

as many rounds in 5 min @ 110% effort
10 double unders - or 20 single unders
10 sit ups

Level 2: 

High Hang Snatch - build to a tough double in 15 mins. 

as many rounds in 5 min:
5 KBS -  heavy
5 burpees

REST 5 min

as many rounds in 5 min:
10 double unders
10 knees to elbows

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Training Monday September 10th, 2012

Level 1 

Go as heavy as you can keep the proper tempo

A1. front squat @ 3011; 4-6 x 5; rest 10 sec

A2. db walking lunges @ 1010; 12 steps x 5; rest 10 sec

A3. weighted mixed grip chin ups @ 21X0; 3-4 x 5; rest 4 min

Level 2

A1. front squat @ 3011; 3-4 reps x 5; rest 10 sec

A2. db walking lunges @ 1010; 12 steps x 5; rest 10 sec

A3. weighted mixed grip chin ups @ 21X0; 3-4 x 5; rest 4 min

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Training Sunday September 9th,2012

Sunday Funday

Only one player works at a time., if odd number show up then rest:work is 1:1.

For total Time: 
Partner 1 runs 400m while P2 rests
Partner 2 runs 400m while P1 rests
Partner 1 pushes moderate loaded prowler full length of driveway while P2 rest
Partner 2 pushes moderate loaded prowler full length of driveway. while P1 rests

rest 6 mins

For total time:
Partner 1 does 25cals on Airdyne 
Partner 2 does 25 cals on Airdyne
Partner 1 does 25 sledgehammer strikes
Partner 2 does 25 sledgehammer strikes
Partner 1 does 25 burpees
Partner 2 does 25 burpees

rest 6 mins

Team 2k row - split it up in any manner you would like. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Training, September 7th, 2012

Anaerobic Lactic Endurance Training. 
As warm-up: 10:00 double-under practice; and a few short AirDyne/run/row accelerating sprints throughout
5 increasing effort* sets of:
30s of double-unders or single-unders---if you have doubles but are struggling with them , this is good practice
30s of burpees - no jump
30s of  AirDyne  - ----PEDAL HARD HERE!!
6:30 walk rest
*Increase effort of movement within each 30s period (i.e. :15 @ 90-95% + :15 @ max effort)

*If you attended last night sub jump switch lunges for burpees

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Training September 6th, 2012

A. Find a 1 RM power clean in 12 minutes.  Level 1: work technique and build as technique as good.

B. Find a clean grip deadlift 1 RM in 12 minutes.  Level 1: build to a tough 3.

Level 1:
3 rds for time
8 power cleans at 50% of A.
8 burpees

Level 2:
3 rds for time
12 power cleans @ 60% of A.
12 burpees

If you have attended multiple sessions this week and have already gotten in plenty of pulling exercises we will have something a little different for you tonight

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Training Wednesday September 5th, 2012

Vertical Push/Vertical Pull + Anaerobic Lactic Power.

A1.  Press  8,6,4,2.  rest 2 minutes.

A2. Pull-ups 2-3 reps with as much weight as you can manage, or using the lightest band you can. Rest 2 minutes x 4 sets.

4 sets
Row 25s ALL OUT! -
Rest 3:35
score is total meters after 4 sets.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Tuesday, September 4th

If you did not attend yesterday warm up quick and

A. Ring Rows or Strict Pull-ups
AMRAP x 3 sets ., rest 2 minutes

and then B

If you did attend yesterday
double unders practice and then B

3 sets of the following

4 minute AMRAP @ 90%
Row 100m
12 situps

rest 4 minutes

4 minute AMRAP @ 90%
Run 1 shuttle run
8 Hang Power Cleans @ light load
12 Russian Twists plate or medball (6 per side)

rest 4 minutes

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Testing Monday, September 3rd, 2012

Check out private client Lori Hochdanner getting her first muscle-up.  From not being able to pull-ups 2 years ago!    Awesome progress, dedication and commitment from her. 

Everyone :  

A. Power Clean technique work.  Light loads focusing on technique.


20 minute AMRAP of:
5 Pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 squats.

This is a test so be sure to hit full range of motion as no one will be impressed with your 20 round Cindy unless you are reaching the ROM standards.   If you have pull-ups there will not be substitutions.

For those without pull-ups a coach will select your proper substitutions.

Range of Motion standards:
pull-ups - full hang at bottom -chin clearly above pull-up bar at top.
push-ups- full extension at top, down to 3" above ground.
squats - full extension of hip, knee, ankle at top and hip crease passing below knee at top.

As this is a test, make substitutions only if absolutely needed to complete a single round. Regardless of movement selection, complete the entire 20 minutes with the same movements.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Training September 1st, 2012

Run 5 min slowly @ a warm up pace.
Run 2 min @ higher pace effort. Try to increase the pace every 30s. 

rest walk 1 min briskly

repeat 6 times
Run 5 min slowly for a cool down.

Stretch legs/calves for 10 minutes.