Friday, February 28, 2014

Saturday March 1st, 2014


During warm-up complete
3 sets of Batwings Rows

Partner workout :
AMRAP 25 Minutes of the following:

Row 200 Meters or Airdyne 20 Calories
20 Second Plank Hold
15 Air Squats
10 Burpees
*Partner 1 will start off with the first round, while Partner 2 rest, and when Partner 1 finishes, Partner 2 will begin.*


A. Front Squat @30X1; 2, 2, 2; rest 2-3 minutes MAX. Not a 2RM

B. emom - Power Snatch- not TnG x 2- 5mins 65-70% of 1rm

C. Open Prep: Do 2 rounds at a 1:20- 1:30 pace to feel it out. All double unders unbroken. Do not do snatches unbroken.

AirDyne 1min hard rest 1min x 4
Row 1min hard -just below all out
time permitting 10 mins Z1 on AD or rower.

- build per set on FS
- drop PS from top each rep
- AD is same pace each time

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Friday February 28th, 2014


A. Light Close Grip Bench Press, 6 sets of 3, rest 30 seconds between sets.
Concentration on Form + Speed out of the bottom

*use perfect form push-ups 6 sets of 6 if you can not complete 15 push-ups consecutively.

3 sets:
B1. DB Tricep Extensions, 6-8 reps x 3 sets
rest 1 minute.
B2. Weighted Plank Holds, 40 seconds x 3 sets
rest 1 minute.
C. 12 Minute AMRAP of the following:
12 calories on Airdyne
7 Ring Rows
10 DB Strict Press @ moderate weight


Make up Wednesday's workout or practice some skills. keep the volume low.

25-30 mins @ Z1 on Airdyne
stretch and mobility.

notes : CrossFit group this is the PERFECT day to come in and get some of the good mobility work in we have talked about improving. Mobility won't change by working out more or harder. It only changes with a concentrated effort to incorporate it on a consistent basis. Get it in daily and really mobilize on Thursdays and we will see change in a few weeks. Then we will see strength improvements as you are able to improve your positioning.

*Prep work for those that cannot make it Saturday*

A. Front Squat @30X1; 2, 2, 2; rest 2-3 minutes MAX.   Not a 2RM
B. emom - Power Snatch-  not TnG x 2-  5mins 65-70% of 1rm
C. Open Prep:  Do 2 rounds at a 1:20- 1:30 pace to feel it out. All double unders unbroken. Do not do snatches unbroken. 

AirDyne 1min hard rest 1min x 4
Row 1min hard -just below all out
time permitting 10 mins Z1 on AD or rower.

- build per set on FS
- drop PS from top each rep
- AD is same pace each time

Concerned about joining the Open? Read this : 

Our stance on the CrossFit Open is we would like to see most of our athletes do it. The event is a lot of fun and whether or not you feel like you are prepared it is a great way to compare yourself to every other CrossFitter in the world. There is no time like the present and the stars will never perfectly align for you to perform at your abolsute best. So put it out there now and see where you stand. Then try to improve upon it next year. If you can (and have done) the following movements we would recommend you sign up: Wall balls, thrusters, snatches, cleans, push press, pull-ups, thrusters, double unders, box jumps.

Those that we would recommend NOT sign up:
* Anyone with an existing injury. This isn't pro sports, no need to further hurt something.
* Anyone that strgugles to perform the above movements to full range of motion. Again, we don't want anyone to get injured doing this competition.
 * Anyone that just started CrossFit or just started weight training or intense training.
* Those that know they will be out of town during 1 of the 5 weeks.

The CrossFit Open, has historically for us been a fun time to get together with everyone in the gym and do the same workout as every CrossFitter in the world. For 5 weeks we all do the same thing. Everyone has gotten into it big time and it creates a fun communal aspect to exercise. If you are not sure if you should sign up for the Open or have concerns please ask a coach. As we always say "this is your fitness journey", we are just hear to help guide it. The schedule for the Open will be as follows :

Sunday 5pm - Open workouts. Please arrive a bit early so we can start heats shortly after 5.
Monday- Active recovery ot Training for those that will rest Tuesday
Tuesday- Training
Wednesday Training
Thursday Intense, Low Volume. or Active Recovery if you have trained M,T,W.
Friday- Active Restoration
Saturday - Movement Prep/ Partial Run Through If you know your schedule will not allow for the workout to be completed Sunday, please let a coach know so we can make arrangements for you to do it Fri, Sat or Mon.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thursday February 27th, 2014


8 Minutes of the following:
Row 150 Meters or Airdyne 10 calories
10 Goblet Squats- moderate
5 Sit Ups
Rest 4 Minutes
8 Minutes of the following:
Single Unders x 30 reps
20 Walking Lunges(10/each side)
3 Plank Walk-Outs
Rest 4 Minutes
8 Minutes of the following:
Row 150 Meters or Airdyne 10 calories.
10 Step Ups(5/each leg)
5 Sit Ups


A. close grip bench press 3, 3, 3; rest as needed
3 rounds for time
AD 30 cals
12/8 CTB chin ups
15 Russian KBS 70#/ 45# #

Concerned about joining the Open? Read this : Our stance on the CrossFit Open is we would like to see most of our athletes do it. The event is a lot of fun and whether or not you feel like you are prepared it is a great way to compare yourself to every other CrossFitter in the world. There is no time like the present and the stars will never perfectly align for you to perform at your abolsute best. So put it out there now and see where you stand. Then try to improve upon it next year. If you can (and have done) the following movements we would recommend you sign up: Wall balls, thrusters, snatches, cleans, push press, pull-ups, thrusters, double unders, box jumps. Those that we would recommend NOT sign up: * Anyone with an existing injury. This isn't pro sports, no need to further hurt something. * Anyone that strgugles to perform the above movements to full range of motion. Again, we don't want anyone to get injured doing this competition. * Anyone that just started CrossFit or just started weight training or intense training. * Those that know they will be out of town during 1 of the 5 weeks. The CrossFit Open, has historically for us been a fun time to get together with everyone in the gym and do the same workout as every CrossFitter in the world. For 5 weeks we all do the same thing. Everyone has gotten into it big time and it creates a fun communal aspect to exercise. If you are not sure if you should sign up for the Open or have concerns please ask a coach. As we always say "this is your fitness journey", we are just hear to help guide it. The schedule for the Open will be as follows Sunday 5pm - Open workouts. Please arrive a bit early so we can start heats shortly after 5. Monday- Active recovery ot Training for those that will rest Tuesday Tuesday- Training Wednesday Training Thursday Intense, Low Volume. or Active Recovery if you have trained M,T,W. Friday- Active Restoration Saturday - Movement Prep/ Partial Run Through If you know your schedule will not allow for the workout to be completed Sunday, please let a coach know so we can make arrangements for you to do it Fri, Sat or Mon.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wednesday February 26th, 2014


A1. Front Squat, 8 reps x 3 sets,
 rest 1 minute.
A2. Pull-Up Variation, 4-6 reps x 3 sets, rest 1 minute.
Advanced : Weighted
Intermediate: Regular Pull Ups
Beginner: Negatives + Curls

B. DB Bench Press, 8-10 reps heavy x 3 sets, rest 1 minute.

3 Sets of the following at 100% effort:

Kettlebell Swings x 15 reps
Burpees x 10 reps
Airdyne x 20 seconds
Rest 3 minutes between sets


*On either Wednesday or Thursday take a complete rest day or do some aerobic restoration, stretching and foam rolling. * Friday will be more aerobic restoration and Saturday will be prep work for Open workout 14.1., which will be on Sunday at 5pm.

A. emom - power clean start at 155/75# add 10# every min until max OR a miss
B. emom - 12mins
odd - 2-4 Muscle-Ups
even - 10 KBS 70#/ 45#
10min amrap
8 Push Press 115#/ 65#
Row 200m
30 Double Unders

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tuesday February 25th, 2014


18 Minute AMRAP
Start: 1500 Meters Row/1200 Meters Row

In the Remaining time complete the following as many rounds possible of:

30 Box Jumps or step-ups    mandatory step down
20 DB Push Press
10 Wall Balls


A. Back Squat 3, 2, 1; rest 3mins
rest as needed
5min amrap 90% effort
Row 500m
30 wall balls 
30 burpees jump touch 6" above reach- 
rest 1min
5mins amrap all out 
5 clean and jerk 95/65#
20 DU
10 situps
- BS get in perfect reps each set - this is to stimulate CNS not a 1rm
- proper aerobic warmup for 5min work

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Monday February 24th, 2014


A. Deadlift, 2,2,2,2,2.  Reset for perfect form for each set. 
rest 1:30 between sets.

3 sets
B1. DB Bent Over Row, 6-8/each arm
 rest 1 minute.
B2. Push-ups x 8-12 reps. Perfect form.  You may scale up to close grip bench press x 6 if you have 20 push-ups.   
rest 1 minute.
4 sets:
C1. Back Extensions, 10-12 reps x 4 sets, rest 15 seconds.
C2. Airdyne x 40 seconds at 95% rest 2:30


A. Squat Clean Thruster.  Build to a tough single.
3 rounds for time
15 thrusters 100/65#
15 CTB chin ups

Cap is 12 minutes.  Do not scale reps or weight unless you absolutely have to to continue 

20mins Z1 walk/row/stretch

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Sunday February 23rd, 2014

Make up Saturday's workout or do the workout for Monday.

Monday's workout:


In warm-up be sure to complete 3 sets of 10 bodyweight ring rows.  Use a height that you can comfortably get the 10 reps unbroken and the focus is on peeling shoulders back.

A. Deadlift, 2,2,2,2,2.  Reset for perfect form for each set.
rest 1:30 between sets.

3 sets
B1. DB Bent Over Row, 6-8/each arm
 rest 1 minute.
B2. Push-ups x 8-12 reps. Perfect form.  You may scale up to close grip bench press x 6 if you have 20 push-ups.   
rest 1 minute.
4 sets:
C1. Back Extensions, 10-12 reps x 4 sets, rest 15 seconds.
C2. Airdyne x 40 seconds at 95% rest 2:30


A. Squat Clean Thruster.  Build to a tough single.
3 rounds for time
15 thrusters 100/65#
15 CTB chin ups

Cap is 12 minutes.  Do not scale reps or weight unless you absolutely have to,  to continue.

20mins Z1 walk/row/stretch

Friday, February 21, 2014

Saturday February 22nd, 2014


Team of Two Complete the following:

Each Person Must Complete Three Rounds of the following:
Row 500 Meters
30 Wall Balls or Goblet Squats
Partner 1 will first start of on rowing machine, once Partner 1 finishes 500 meter row, then Partner 2 will start their 500 meter row, and Partner 2 will move onto Wall Balls or Goblet Squats. Partner 1 cannot move onto Partner 2 has finished their movement.


For time:
115#/ 75#  Power Clean

rest 10-15 minutes

10 minute AMRAP
Double Unders

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Friday February 21st, 2014


A. Light Speed Deadlift, 8 sets of 3,
 rest 30 seconds between sets.
-use a light weight and a clean grip. focus on perfect positioning and explode up. Share a barbell or KB with someone that will use similar weight. 

3 sets:
B1. Overhead Walking Lunges(Plates), 12-16 total steps per side
Rest 45s
B2. Batwings, 8-10 reps. 
Rest 45s
3 sets: 

C1. Back Extensions x 8-10 reps, rest 1 minute.
C2. DB Split Squats x 6-8 reps/leg, rest 20 seconds between leg/rest 1 minute between sets.
D. 10 Minute AMRAP of the following:
50 Single Unders
12 Box Jumps
8 Ring Rows or 4 strict pull-ups


A. OHS 10, 10, 10; rest 2mins 80% effort.  Not 80% of your 1RM.


30 Muscle-ups  for time

*If you just got muscle-ups in 2014, practice technique and consistency in hitting reps. Don't do 30 reps. If you don't have muscle-ups work your technique for 10-15 minutes.

Row 30sec 95% effort
rest 4mins x 3

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Thursday February 20th, 2014


2 Sets of the following: 30 Minutes Total

3 Minutes of the following:
5 Deadlifts w/ KB - moderate
5 Box Jumps
Rest 2 Minutes
3 Minutes of the following:
5 DB Push Press
10 Walking Lunges
Rest 2 Minutes
3 Minutes of the following:
Max Meters on Rower
Rest 2 Minutes


Make up Wednesday's workout or practice some skills. keep the volume low.

25-30 mins @ Z1 on Airdyne
stretch and mobility.

notes : CrossFit group this is the PERFECT day to come in and get some of the good mobility work in we have talked about improving. Mobility won't change by working out more or harder. It only changes with a concentrated effort to incorporate it on a consistent basis. Get it in daily and really mobilize on Thursdays and we will see change in a few weeks. Then we will see strength improvements as you are able to improve your positioning.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Wednesday February 19th, 2014

3 sets: 
A1. High Bar Back Squat, x 8 reps
rest 1 minute.
A2. DB Bent Over Row, x 10-12 reps
 rest 1 minute.

3 sets:
B1. DB Seated Strict Press, 8-10 reps heavy 
rest 1 minute.
B2. Plank Hold Weighted, 30 seconds  
rest 1 minute.

C. 3 Sets of the following @ all out effort
15 Kettlebell Swings
15 Burpees
15 Calorie Airdyne
Rest 4 minutes between sets


A. emom - clean and jerk TnG x 3 start at 115#/65#  add 10# every min until tough triple.


2 sets 85%, 100%.  Cap at 8 minutes. Some won't get through the whole piece in 8 mins, especially at the lower effort. 

Row 200m
10/7 CTB chin ups
10 clean and jerks 95/65#
10/7 CTB chin ups
10 clean and jerk 95/65#
70 DU

rest 5mins between sets.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Tuesday February 18th, 2014

6am class is cancelled tomorrow 


10 Minute AMRAP of the following:
15 Squats
10 Ring Rows
5 Push Ups
Rest 5 Minutes
10 Minute AMRAP of the following:
15 Calorie Airdyne
10 Walking Lunges
5 Hanging Knee Raises

Pull-up work from yesterday 
3 sets:
A1. Scap pull-ups with a band x 4-5 reps
rest 20s
A2. DB curls 8-10 reps
rest 1 minute


A. Squat snatch build to a max

for time
10 Squat snatch 65% of A
10 Squat snatch 70% of A
10 Squat snatch 75% of A

rest 10-15mins while prepping for next part.

10 mins max cals AirDyne.     Men use only the black or blue bike.  NOTE which bike you use.  Post score to comments. 

-Get loose with a DROM warm-up and get into the snatching quickly.  
-For the 10 minutes AD, 300 is the gold standard. Clydesdales should be aiming for 250-260+. Smaller fellas try to get in the 220-230 range  Women gold standard is 200. Try to get to 150. 

This is the day I decided we needed to have an Airdyne in the gym.  Now it is a staple in our training. 

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Monday February 17th, 2014


A. Deadlift, 4 sets x 3 reps.  Reset between each for perfect pull
rest 1:30 between sets.
3 sets: 
B1. Scap Pull-ups 4-5 reps.  
 rest 30s
B2. DB curls 8-10 reps.    
rest 1 minute.
B3. Push-ups 7-9 reps.  May scale up to Close grip bench press if you have 15 push-ups unbroken. 
rest 1 minute. 

4 sets:
C1. Russian KB Swings Heavy, 15-18 reps x 4 sets, rest 10 seconds.
C2. Row 250 Meters @95% 
 rest 3 minutes.


A. Back Squat 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 2-3mins MAX between.  Second wave higher than the first. Only go for it if you are feeling it.

rest as needed

For time all out:

Row 250m
15 KBS 70# / 45#
25 burpees
15 KBS 70# / 45#
Row 250m

rest exactly 12mins and repeat

-get into a quick lower body warm-up right away and start prepping your squats.
- BS go for something if feeling it
- compare to Jan 27th
- record times
-time to beat is 3:52

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sunday February 16th, 2014

CoreFit and CrossFit:

Make up Saturday's workout or complete Monday's workout.

Monday's workout:


A. Deadlift, 4 sets x 3 reps.  Reset between each for perfect pull
rest 1:30 between sets.
3 sets: 

B1. Scap Pull-ups 4-5 reps.  
 rest 30s
B2. DB curls 8-10 reps.    
rest 1 minute.
B3. Push-ups 7-9 reps.  May scale up to Close grip bench press if you have 15 push-ups unbroken. 
rest 1 minute. 

4 sets:
C1. Russian KB Swings Heavy, 15-18 reps x 4 sets, rest 10 seconds.
C2. Row 250 Meters @95% 
 rest 3 minutes.


A. Back Squat 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 2-3mins MAX between.  Second wave higher than the first. Only go for it if you are feeling it.

rest as needed

For time all out:

Row 250m
15 KBS 70# / 45#
25 burpees
15 KBS 70# / 45#
Row 250m

rest exactly 12mins and repeat

-get into a quick lower body warm-up right away and start prepping your squats.
- BS go for something if feeling it
- compare to Jan 27th
- record times
-time to beat is 3:52

Friday, February 14, 2014

Saturday February 15th ,2014


In warm-up make sure to do the following:
5 sets of 5 of banded pull-ups.  Use least assistance possible. No kipping.


Complete 4 sets of the following for max total reps:
60 Seconds of Wall Balls/Goblet Squats
60 Seconds of Box Jumps
60 Seconds of Airdyne/Row
60 Seconds of Push Press: Dumbbells or Barbell @ 95/65, 75/45
Rest 60 seconds


3 sets of max hang from pull-up bar.  Cap at 1 minute. 
Rest 1 minute. 

Skill work for 15 minutes. Muscle-up, toes to bar or double unders are my suggestion. 


Row 3k for time. 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Friday February 14th, 2014


3 sets:
A1. Push-up, 7-9 reps.  Scale up or down.
rest 1 minute
A2. Batwing Row, 7-9 reps.  Pause 2 full seconds at top. Start light. 
rest 1 minute
A3. Pull up negatives, 5-7 reps.  4s negative.  Use bands if needed. 


10 Sets of the following @ 100%:
12 Seconds on Airdyne or 100 meter Row, rest 60 seconds.


A. Power Snatch 3, 2, 1, 1; rest as needed
10mins as many reps as possible
75/45# Snatch, 30 reps
135/75# Snatch, 30 reps
165/100# Snatch, 30 reps

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thursday February 13th, 2014

Class will be cancelled tonight due to the weather.


8 mins AMRAP @ 90%:
Row 250 Meters
5 Push-Ups
10 Step Ups
Rest 4 Minutes
8 mins AMRAP @ 90%:
50 Single Unders or Double under practice for 40s
15 Air Squats
10 Kettlebell Swings
Rest 4 Minutes
8 mins @90%:
Max Meters on Rower

coaches note : athletes complete each 8 minute AMRAP in any order.


Make up Wednesday's workout or practice some skills. keep the volume low.

25-30 mins @ Z1 on Airdyne
stretch and mobility.

notes : CrossFit group this is the PERFECT day to come in and get some of the good mobility work in we have talked about improving. Mobility won't change by working out more or harder. It only changes with a concentrated effort to incorporate it on a consistent basis. Get it in daily and really mobilize on Thursdays and we will see change in a few weeks. Then we will see strength improvements as you are able to improve your positioning.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Wednesday February 12th, 2014


Pre-wod Pull-up work
3 sets :
Ring rows 8-10 reps.  Keep rings high so that you can reach 10 reps

3 working sets:
A1. Front Squat, 5-7 reps @ 75% x 3 sets,
 rest 1 minute.
A2. DB Bent Over Row Heavy @ 30×1, 8-10 reps
rest 1 minute
A3. DB External Rotations, 8-10 reps/each reps 
rest 1 minute


6 minute AMRAP :
35 Kettlebell Swings
30 Burpees
25 Airdyne Calories


5min 80% effort :
10 box jumps 24/20" sd
10 kbs 55#/ 35#

rest 5mins

5mins 90% effort
7 push press 115/75#

rest 10mins

5mins 100% effort
10 thruster 75/45#
7 burpees

- proper aerobic wamup.  Should be 15-20 minutes of rowing,biking and movement prep. Bring the heart rate up a few times and be completely loose and limber when you start.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Tuesday February 11th, 2014


For time:
Goblet Squat - moderate weight
Box Jumps

Rest 7 Minutes

For Time of the following:
5 Minute Max Airdyne Calories

*max sure to note which Airdyne model you used. *


A. Power Clean build to a max in 10mins.  Warm up first. Start your 10 min clock when you get to 50% of current 1RM. 

rest 3mins
B. Power Clean amrap 4 mins at  90% of A.

rest as needed

4 min AMRAP
8 clean and jerks 95/65#
35 DU

- start clock at 40-50% of 1rm
- record score for battery tester
- do not hold back on 4 minute AMRAP
- compare to Jan 21st.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Monday February 10th, 2014


A. Find your 5 rep max deadlift in 15 minutes. Form must be very good to progress to higher weights.

B. Row 2k for time. Time cap of 12 minutes. Be efficient and powerful.


Pull-up work :
3 sets of each

C. DB curls 3 sets of 10.   Rest 1 minute between

D. Scapular pull-ups with band or box assistance    3 sets of 6 reps. Rest 1 minute between.


A.Back Squat @30X1; 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2-3mins. All tough sets with good form.

B. close grip bench press @20X1; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 3mins. Make all reps. This is NOT a 1RM build. 16" max width on grip. Choose weights you know you can make.


10min amrap
60 bar facing burpees
30 OHS 120/90#. If your 1RM is <150# / 110 use 80% of 1RM.
10 MU

- If you get through all movements you start back at burpees. This is very possible if your OHS is strong.
- This is Open workout 11.4.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sunday February 9th ,2014

There is a group run planned for tomorrow at 10 a.m. at Otsiningo Park. This is to prep for the Color Run in April. We will meet in the parking lot near the volleyball courts.

 Make up Saturday's workout or do Monday's workout, or do below for those that will attend both.

3 sets:
A1. Ring Rows x 8-10 reps
Rest 45 seconds
A2. Double under practice

3 sets:
B1. Banded Face Pulls x 8-10 reps.  Light band.
rest 45s
B2. Airdyne @ 90% for 1 minute
Rest 2 minutes

Make up Saturday's or do Monday's workout. If you did Saturday's and will be there Monday, do skill work, foam rolling and recovery pace on Rower or AD.

Workout for Monday 2/9/14


A. Find your 5 rep max deadlift in 15 minutes. Form must be very good to progress to higher weights.

B. Row 2k for time.   Time cap of 12 minutes. Be efficient and powerful.

Pull-up work :
3 sets of each

C. DB curls 3 sets of 10.   Rest 1 minute between

D. Scapular pull-ups with band or box assistance    3 sets of 6 reps. Rest 1 minute between.


A.Back Squat @30X1; 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2-3mins.  All tough sets with good form.

B. close grip bench press @20X1; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 3mins. Make all reps. This is NOT a 1RM build. 16" max width on grip. Choose weights you know you can make.
10min amrap
60 bar facing burpees
30 OHS 120/90#.     If your 1RM is <150# / 110 use 80% of 1RM.
10 MU

- If you get through all movements you start back at burpees. This is very possible if your OHS is strong.
- This is Open workout 11.4.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Saturday February 8th,2014


5 Sets of the following:

Against a 4 minute clock, complete as many rounds as possible of the following:

100 Meter Row or 12 Calorie Airdyne
12 Air Squats
9 Box Jumps
rest 1 minute


A. OHS @30X1; 3, 2, 1, 1; rest as needed

15min amrap
9 push ups HR
12 T2B
15 box jump or step up 24"/20"

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Friday February 7th, 2014


A1. Back Squat, 5-7 reps x 3 sets
rest 45 seconds.
A2. DB Curls, 8-10 reps x 3 sets, 
rest 45 seconds.
A3. DB Tricep Extensions, 8-10 reps/each arm x 3 sets
rest 45 seconds.


 5 Sets of the following:
10 Burpees
20s on Airdyne very hard
Rest 3 minutes between sets.

A. build to a 1rm wtd chin up pronated (compare to last weeks supinated)

10 min amrap:
75 Power Snatch 75/55#
50 wall balls
AMRAP muscle-ups

- chin must be over bar ,hands must be shoulder width apart, record weight plus body weight

- include time you finish movement prior to one you finish each movement as well.
for ex.,:  PS done at 4:30, wall balls done at 6:55. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Thursday February 6th, 2014

7 Minutes @ 90%
7 DB Push Press
14 Walking Lunges
250m Row
Rest 4 Minutes
7 Minutes @90%:
7 KB Swings
20 Cals Airdyne
Rest 4 Minutes
7 Minutes of the following:
40 Single Unders
5 push ups
250 Meters Row


Make up Wednesday's workout or practice some skills. keep the volume low.

25-30 mins @ Z1 on Airdyne
stretch and mobility.

notes : CrossFit group this is the PERFECT day to come in and get some of the good mobility work in we have talked about improving. Mobility won't change by working out more or harder. It only changes with a concentrated effort to incorporate it on a consistent basis. Get it in daily and really mobilize on Thursdays and we will see change in a few weeks. Then we will see strength improvements as you are able to improve your positioning.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Wednesday February 5th, 2014

9 a.m. class is cancelled tomorrow.  


A. Deadlift, on the minute, every minute x 3 reps x 5 sets.  Reset between each rep.

3 sets:
B1. Push-ups, 10-15 reps
rest 60 seconds.
B2. Pull Up negatives clusters, 4.3.2 
rest 60 seconds.
switch grips every set of clusters
B3. DB curls x 10 reps. 
Rest 60 seconds


complete 5 rounds:
15 Wall Balls or Goblet Squats
20 second plank hold


A. Front Squat 2, 2, 2, 2   ; rest as needed. All heavy but doable. Hit all your reps.
10min amrap
15 burpees
60 Double Unders

- squat therapy and t-spine mobility in warm-up
-hit all reps on FS. 
- separate specific aerobic warm-up for 10 minute AMRAP

Elliot nails a muscle-up!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Tuesday Febraury 4th, 2014


3 Rounds for time:
20 kb swings
12 burpees
10 ring rows
rest 6 minutes
3 Rounds for time:
20 step ups(10/each side)
12 burpees
10 cal airdyne

This workout can be done in either order.  


Power Snatch build to a tough single in 6sets.,  rest as needed.  hit all reps.

5 minute AMRAP:

15 Power Clean 135/85#
15 Power Clean 165/105#
15 Power Clean 195/125#
15 Power Clean 225/145#

*if your clean is over 235 make 40# jumps for men. * Don't worry the last 15 likely won't come into play. 
*if in the CrossFit group but still struggle with power clean technique:  work technique at light loads for 15 minutes. Ensure full hip extension before pulling with arms.  

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Monday February 3rd, 2014


5 sets: 
A1. Push Press X 3 reps
 rest 60 seconds
A2. DB Bent Over Row X 6-8 reps 
rest 60 seconds


10 minute AMRAP: 
Airdyne 0.7 miles or Row 500m
50 Air Squats
25 Box Jumps Step Down
Airdyne 0.7 miles or Row 500m


Row 1k for time

rest 20mins.  During the rest stay loose and move a bit. Practice some light gymnastics skills.

Row 1k for time

- all out effort on both. Set a PR on the first one!
-Long warm-up with progressive faster sprints.  You should be sweating prior to starting first 1k.

*check Saturday's post for Muscle-up practice*