Friday, June 27, 2014

Saturday June 28th, 2014


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
9 Burpees
20 Kettlebell Swings -moderate.  Should be able to do first set unbroken.
20 Air Squats

post rounds and reps to comments:
i.e., 7 rounds plus 32 reps. 


A. Gymnastics skill work.
If proficient in all aspects:
 3 minutes to establish 2RM weighted CTB pull-up.
Rest 0 seconds
 3 minutes to establish max l-sit.


3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 Meters
21 Kettlebell Swings 55/35
12 Pull-Ups

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
Row 1000/800 Meters or Airdyne 100/80  calories
100/50 Double-Unders. 


  1. A. skipped in favor of long warm-up and mobility
    B. Helen. 7:38 at home. Need to be faster on runs.
    C. skipped, out of time before work.

  2. A. Long warm (400m run, 10 min airdyne, mobility.)
    B. 10:55 Helen.
    C. 2 full rounds + 72m

  3. A. Skipped did 10 min warm up on airdyne, mobility, and movement prep.
    B. Helen-9:34. 2 second pr. PR is a PR, but went into this one feeling like a 3, ending at a 1 or 2. Everything unbroken until last set of pull ups. 3/3/3/3. This time won't get much better until I can get better run times.
    C. 2 full rounds. Easy pace, just focused on breathing

  4. A. skipped in favor of long warm-up and mobility
    B. Helen. 8:00 Need to be faster on runs.
    C. 2 fulls rounds plus 615m
