Sunday, June 29, 2014

Monday June 30th, 2014

There will be open gym on Tuesday from 6AM to 715 AM. 


4 sets of:
A1. Ring Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest 45 seconds
A2. Lateral Lunges x 8-10 reps each leg @ 20X1
Rest 45 seconds
A3. Partnered Leg Tosses x 15-20 reps
Rest 45 seconds

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
3 Thrusters (Dumbbell or Barbell)
3 burpees
6 Thrusters
6 burpees
9 Thrusters
9 burpees
12 Thrusters
12 burpees
15 Thrusters
15 burpees
18 Thrusters
18 burpees


Every minute, on the minute, for 7 minutes:
Pause Front Squat x 1 reps @ 24X1

Choose one load for all eight sets. Use a heavy but doable load.

Every two minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets):
High Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 70-80% of 1-RM Snatch.  Start sets at 50% and build.

Working on perfect mechanics at all phases in the lift.

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat x 4 reps @ same load used last Monday

For max reps:
2 Minutes of Box Step-Overs with Barbell  (use 33% of 1RM BS)
(box height should be between 16″-20″ for most people – if you’re shorter, go on the low end, if you’re taller, the higher end of the range).   Stack plates, use small boxes, or bench.
4 Minutes of Strict Pull-Ups


  1. A. 205 for all sets
    B. Built to 95
    C. 225 for all 5 sets
    D. Step overs-50
    Strict pull ups-42

  2. A. 205 for all sets
    B. Built to 165
    C. 255 for all 5 sets
    D. Step overs-81
    Strict pull ups-31

  3. A. 275x2, 255x5
    B. skipped, did ironscap. shoulder still in pain.
    C. 295 x4 for 5 sets.
    D. step-overs x60
