Monday, June 30, 2014

Tuesday July 1st, 2014

There will be open gym on Tuesday from 6AM to 7:15AM. 


Three sets of:
A1. Romanian Deadlift x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Rest 60 seconds
A2.Difficult Push up x 12-15 reps @ 2011
Rest 60 seconds
3 sets:
B Double-Under Practice x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds

Four sets of:
C1. Battle Ropes x 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
C2. Mountain Climbers x 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
C3. DB Burpees x 30 seconds.  Use light DB.
Rest 30 seconds


Reminder that Part A is your warm-up that gets you ready for B. 

Gymnastic skill work: Muscle-up progression is my first choice if you do not have muscle-ups .

Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Push Press + Power Jerk + Split Jerk
(Pause for 2-3 seconds in the split jerk receiving position before recovering.)
Rest 2 minutes

Build over the course of the 8 sets.

One set of:
Strict Overhead Press x 10 reps @ 60-70% of 1-RM. Use the last two weeks to find a good place to try for 10.

Every 12 minutes, for 24 minutes (2 sets) of:
Run 800 Meters
20 burpees
Run 800 Meters

Choose a distance running that will allow you to complete the set in approximately 8-9 minutes. 

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Monday June 30th, 2014

There will be open gym on Tuesday from 6AM to 715 AM. 


4 sets of:
A1. Ring Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest 45 seconds
A2. Lateral Lunges x 8-10 reps each leg @ 20X1
Rest 45 seconds
A3. Partnered Leg Tosses x 15-20 reps
Rest 45 seconds

Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
3 Thrusters (Dumbbell or Barbell)
3 burpees
6 Thrusters
6 burpees
9 Thrusters
9 burpees
12 Thrusters
12 burpees
15 Thrusters
15 burpees
18 Thrusters
18 burpees


Every minute, on the minute, for 7 minutes:
Pause Front Squat x 1 reps @ 24X1

Choose one load for all eight sets. Use a heavy but doable load.

Every two minutes, for 14 minutes (7 sets):
High Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 70-80% of 1-RM Snatch.  Start sets at 50% and build.

Working on perfect mechanics at all phases in the lift.

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat x 4 reps @ same load used last Monday

For max reps:
2 Minutes of Box Step-Overs with Barbell  (use 33% of 1RM BS)
(box height should be between 16″-20″ for most people – if you’re shorter, go on the low end, if you’re taller, the higher end of the range).   Stack plates, use small boxes, or bench.
4 Minutes of Strict Pull-Ups

Friday, June 27, 2014

Saturday June 28th, 2014


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of:
9 Burpees
20 Kettlebell Swings -moderate.  Should be able to do first set unbroken.
20 Air Squats

post rounds and reps to comments:
i.e., 7 rounds plus 32 reps. 


A. Gymnastics skill work.
If proficient in all aspects:
 3 minutes to establish 2RM weighted CTB pull-up.
Rest 0 seconds
 3 minutes to establish max l-sit.


3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 Meters
21 Kettlebell Swings 55/35
12 Pull-Ups

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
Row 1000/800 Meters or Airdyne 100/80  calories
100/50 Double-Unders. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Friday June 27th, 2014


4 sets of:
A1. Front Squat x 6-8 reps @ 30X1
Rest 45 seconds
A2. Single-Arm Trap 3 Raise x 8-10 reps each arm @ 2110
Rest 45 seconds

Double-Under Practice x 10 minutes.

For time:
Row 1000 Meters
immediately followed by,
Three rounds of:
Dumbbell or Barbell Thrusters x 15 reps
100 Meter Run


Front Squat
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 60%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 70%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 95%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Power Clean + Hang Clean + Jerk

Build to today’s heaviest set.

3 or 4  sets of:
C1Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps @ 3011
(use heavy DBs or KBs in each hand – use  more than last week.
Rest 90 seconds
C2. Strict Handstand Push-Up x Max Reps.
Rest 90 seconds

If time permits:

Three sets of:
D1. Glute-Ham Raises x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Rest as needed
D2. Push-Ups x 20-40 Unbroken reps
(make these perfect – they’re not for time, so don’t rush through them)
Rest as needed

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Thursday June 26th, 2014


Three sets of:
A1. Good Mornings x 6-8 reps @ 3011.   Very light barbell loading if perfect form.
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Ring Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds

3 sets:
B. Side Planks x 30 seconds each side
rest as needed between sides.

Three sets of:
Against a 2-minute running clock, complete as many rounds and reps as possilbe of:
Burpees x 5 reps
Kettlebell Swings x 10 reps

Rest two minutes between sets and pick up where you leave off after each set.

Post total rounds and reps to comments!

Active recovery.  Swim, Airdyne, hike.  No intense work, just recover. Foam roll etc., 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Wednesday June 25th, 2014


5 sets:
A1. Negative pull-ups x  4-6 reps.
Rest 30 seconds
A2. Push-ups  x 8-10 reps.  No knee-push-ups
rest 30 seconds
A3. Squats-  x 12-15 reps.  no weight added. 
rest 30 seconds.  

10 min AMRAP
Airdyne 15 calories
Farmer's walk 60m (heavy)


optional work B and C. Skip these if time is short or energy is low.

Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
High Hang Clean + Power Clean + Clean

Build over the course of the 8 sets. This is quick technique work. This should prep you well to move right into B.


Every minute, on the minute…
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 40% x 1 rep
*Set 2 – 50% x 1 rep
*Set 3 – 60% x 1 rep
*Set 4 – 70% x 1 rep
*Set 5 – 80% x 1 rep

and then…
Every 2 minutes…
*Set 6 – 85% x 1 rep
*Set 7 – 90% x 1 rep
*Set 8 – 95% x 1 rep

and then…
One set of:
80% Back Squat x Max Reps @ 20X1
(no excessive pause at the top – you get one full breath cycle, exhale, inhale, brace and descend – if you take longer than that your set is over)

Use the same weight as last week, and aim to beat last week’s score.

Partner workout
6 sets for times of (cap of 5 minutes per set) 3 sets each :
10 Thrusters (115/75 lbs).
15/10/8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups.    Scale these based on ability.
30 Russian Kettlebell Swings  70/45
40/30/20 Double-Unders.        Scale these based on ability.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Tuesday June 24th, 2014


3 sets of:
A1. Deadlift x 6-8 reps @ 30X1
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Dumbbell Shoulder Press x 8-10 reps @ 20X1
Rest 60 seconds

3 sets
B. Plank from Elbows x 45-60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds

3 rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run ---may sub Airdyne - 40 calories.
10 Man-Makers


Post to comments!

Gymnastic skill work for 10 mins, your choice. If you are proficient in all skills, use the movements below. This is basically your warm-up so after a few minutes of mobility, get into this. 

Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes:
Minute 1 – Strict Handstand Push-Ups x 3-9 reps
(if you’re proficient, aim for the high end of the range, if you don’t have them yet, perform 3 reps of negatives – a 4-6 second eccentric on each rep)
Minute 2 – L-Seated Dead Hang x 20-35 seconds
(assume the bottom of an L-Pull-Up with heels above horizontal plane of buttocks and hang from the pull-up bar holding position for 20-35 seconds)
Minute 3 – Unbroken Double-Unders x 30 reps

Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Push Press + Split Jerk
(Pause for 3-4 seconds in the split jerk receiving position before recovering.)
Rest 2 minutes

Build over the course of the 6 sets.

Strict Overhead Press
* Set 1 – 5 reps @ 50%
* Set 2 – 5 reps @ 60%
* Set 3 – 5 reps @ 70%
* Set 4 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 5 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 6 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 7 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 8 – 10 reps @ 55-65%
Rest 2 minutes between sets 4-8. Rest less between sets 1-4.

Choose the same load for all four sets of 3 reps. The load used should be challenging to successfully press for three, but if you have more than one failed rep it is too heavy.

Running clock for 2 sets.  2nd set starts at 8 minutes. Cap is at 18 minutes.
Row 1000/800m Meters  , Run 800m or Airdyne 80/60 calories
20 Burpees Over the Erg
20 Push Press (115/75 lbs) ---use 95/65 if jerk is under 225/125

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Monday June 23rd, 2014


Three sets of:
A1. Turkish Get-Ups x 2 reps each arm
Rest 45 seconds
A2. Goblet Squats x 8-10 reps @ 31X1
Rest 45 seconds
A3. Kettlebell Swings x 20 reps
Rest 45 seconds

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
14 Wall Ball Shots
100 Meter Run


post to comments:

optional for today: B.

Four sets of:
Pause Front Squat @ 24X1 + 2 Front Squats
Rest 2 minutes

Goal is to match or improve on the four heaviest loads used last Monday.

Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
High Hang Snatch + Snatch with No Foot Movement @ 65-75% of 1-RM Snatch

For the Snatch with No Foot Movement, set your feet in your receiving position, and try not to let the ball of your foot leave the ground throughout the snatch. You will need to be aggressive in your turnover and quick in your descent.

Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 3-5% more than you used last Monday.

3 or 4 sets of:
D1. Jumping Lunges with Barbell x 20 reps
(back rack the barbell –you choose a weight, but make it light enough that you can get all 20 jumping lunges each set. Start conservative and be controlled before adding weight.)
Rest 45 seconds
D2. Strict Weighted Pull-Ups x 6-8 reps
Rest 45 seconds

Friday, June 20, 2014

Saturday June 21st, 2014


In teams of two, with only one person working at a time, complete:
100 Box Jump- step down
800 Meter Run
100 Goblet Squats
Airdyne 80 calories
100 Burpees
800 Meter Run --may scale if needed


Post to comments

Optional part today C.

Gymnastic skill work:   Muscle-ups, Toes to bar, handstand walk progression.

For time:
Row 1000 Meters
50 Thrusters (45/33 lbs)
30 Pull-Ups

12 minute AMRAP @ 90% effort:
Airdyne 20 calories
40-Yard Farmer’s Carry (heavy).    If all heavy DB's are being used, have each person carry only 1.  

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Friday June 20th, 2014


3 working sets of:
A1. Dumbbell or Barbell Push Press x 6-8 reps
Rest 45 seconds
A2. Double-Under Practice x 45-60 seconds
Rest 45 seconds

*make sure to get to working sets of the Push Press. Last couple reps of set should be a bit difficult.

In teams of 2 or 3, alternate whole rounds to complete 4 rounds each of:
500 Meter Row
5 Man-Makers
10 Burpee Box Jump --step down. 


Optional parts for today: B, A.

5 sets of:
Front Squat x 2 reps
Rest as needed

Loads per set (by %): 60, 70, 80, 85, 90.  Approximate loads. Use less if not feeling it.

5 sets of:
Hang Snatch + Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
Rest 2-3 minutes.

Build to today’s heaviest set.

3 or 4 sets of:
C1. Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps @ 3011
(use heavy DBs or KBs in each hand but keep the tempo! No long pause at top, no rushing to the bottom)
Rest 90 seconds
C2. Seated Strict Overhead Dumbbell Press x 8 reps @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds

Three sets of:
D1. Glute-Ham Raises x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Rest as needed
D2. Weighted Plank Holds x 60 seconds
Rest as needed

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Thursday June 19th, 2014


4 sets of:
A1. Romanian Deadlift x 6-8 reps @ 30X1
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Dumbbell Reverse Lunges x 10 reps each leg @ 2011
Rest 60 seconds

4 sets:
B1. Hollow Rocks or Hold x 30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
B2. Pull-up negatives x 4-6 reps
Rest 60 seconds

3 rounds for time of:
10 Ring Rows
20 Kettlebell Swings
200 Meter Run


foam roll, mobility, stretch.

Airdyne 20-30 minutes at easy effort. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Wednesday June 18th, 2014


Four sets of:
A1. Push-ups  x 8-10 reps @ 20X1.  Scale this up to ring push-ups or dips.
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Supine Ring Rows x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds

B1. Single-Leg Hip Bridge x 8-10 reps each leg @ 30X1
Rest 60 seconds
B2. Scapular pull-ups   x 4-6 reps. 
Rest 60 seconds.

Complete as many Burpees as possible in 5 minutes.   

If you think this is too easy you didn't go hard enough! Record this score. Chest touches deck each rep, stand and jump with clap overhead. 

D. Airdyne Cool down 5-10 minutes. 


notes: The performance group program is being written for the very top athletes. If you feel like you aren't recovering between sessions I suggest that Wednesday is the day to back off some things and work skills and aerobic work on the AD or Rower. I will list optional parts for each day, if you aren't recovering consider dropping the optional parts. As always this is your journey and you are welcome to drop whichever parts you would like

Aerobic work on the AD or rower could be 30s@ 90% / 30s @50% x 20-30 sets. 

Optional parts for today would be B and D. 

Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
High Hang Clean + Clean @ 60-80% of 1-RM Clean

Do not allow your chest to tilt forward over the barbell on the high hang clean – dip straight down by pushing knees out and driving hard to full hip extension, then be quick under the barbell. If you find yourself getting into shitty positions, back the weight off until you get it right.

Back Squat
Quickly build to 85-95% of your 1RM. Build in quick singles. Share a barbell and rack with a similar 1RM squat to you.

and then…

One set of:
80% Back Squat x Max Reps @ 20X1
(no excessive pause at the top – you get one full breath cycle, exhale, inhale, brace and descend – if you take longer than that your set is over)

A little hint for quickly finding 80%. Take your 1RM, find 10% of it. (please tell me you can quickly find 10% of a number.) Multiply that number by 2.  Then subtract that number from your 1RM. 

2 sets:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 6 minutes:
10 Burpee Box Jump - step down.
15 Deadlifts (205/135 lbs) --- Use ~50% of 1RM.
20 Pull-Ups
25 Wall Ball Shots
30 Double-Unders

Rest 4 minutes, and then repeat.

*stagger start these and share a barbell and space.

If time and energy permits:

Three sets of:
Supermans x 6-8 reps @ 2014
Rest 30 seconds
Seated Leg Curls with bands  x 12-15 reps
Rest as needed

Monday, June 16, 2014

Tuesday June 17th, 2014

4 sets of:
Against a 4 minute running clock, complete:
25 Kettlebell Swings -moderate
400 Meter Run ---scale as appropriate or do 30 cals AD.
Double-Unders x Max Reps
Rest 4 minutes between sets


**Note about time management – for today’s session, get right into it. The loading is progressive, so you shouldn’t need a lot of extra warm-up time.

10 minutes:
Upper body mobility work or gymnastic work. Ideas include muscle up progression, HSPU, l-sit etc., This is your warm-up time. Work on what YOU need.

Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (8 sets):
Split Jerk x 2 reps
(Pause for 2 full seconds in the receiving position before recovering – make notes and adjustments to your footwork and weight distribution)

Loads per set (by %): 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 80.    These are approximate loads.  Hopefully you can quickly find 50% of your 1RM.

Strict Overhead Press
* Set 1 – 5 reps @ 50%
* Set 2 – 5 reps @ 60%
* Set 3 – 5 reps @ 70%
* Set 4 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 5 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 6 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 7 – 10 reps @ 55-65%
Rest 2 minutes between sets 3-7. Less between the earlier sets.

Choose the same load for all three sets of 3 reps. The load used should be challenging to successfully press for three, but if you have more than one failed rep it is too heavy.

Every 6 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of:
Run 400 Meters
8 Alternating One-Arm DB Snatch (65/35 lbs).  Taken from ground.  Scale as needed. Use a weight you can do quickly.
16/8 Ring Dips
Run 400 Meters

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Monday June 16th, 2014


Fitness notes: The Fitness format has changed. Now every day includes some strength and some conditioning. This is to better serve our Fitness crowd. If you come 3 days a week or less this is the program for you. It will hit all strength movements and conditioning time domains. 

3 working sets of:
A1. Goblet Squat or Front Squat x 8-10 reps @ 30X1.    If doing FS, clean the weight then perform 8-10.
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Pull-Ups x 6-8 reps @ 2110.
Rest 60 seconds

B1. Partnered Leg Tosses x 15-20 reps
Rest 60 seconds
B2. Batwing rows 8-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds.

For max reps/calories:
2 minutes of Rowing
2 minutes of Box Jump- step down
2 minutes of Rowing
2 minutes of Box Jump- step down


Performance notes: 

New cycle starts today with emphasis on squatting. There will be some type of squatting on Monday, Weds and Fri.

 As your squat goes up, so goes up your snatch, clean and jerk, and in general your power.

Get in and get warm and get going. There is a bit of volume to these workouts so don't let the rest time drift on you. That said with the volume of squatting, your legs will be sore. Very sore. If you are not ok with this, now is a good time to switch to Fitness. The Fitness format has changed and now every day includes some strength and some conditioning.

PRIORITIZE YOUR MOBILITY.  Squat Therapy every day and twice on squat days. 

Pay attention to how you feel. If you feel run down etc., then take extra rest or let a coach know and we will tell modify a day or two. If you know your are someone who has a hard time with squat volume, then a good idea on Wednesdays will be to do some aerobic work on the rower or Airdyne or skills practice on Wednesdays instead of the squat work. This will allow a bit more recovery between squatting days.

PLEASE POST TO COMMENTS. It does not need to be super detailed but this is what I would like to see. 

how you felt before the session--scale of 1-10.
how you felt during the session--scale of 1-10.

so for example I post to today and it would be

A. up to 225
B. up to 135
C. up to 285
D. 40 reps.  

Five sets of:
Pause Front Squat @ 24X1 + Front Squat
Rest 2 minutes

Perform a controlled two-second descent, then hold at the bottom for four seconds before quickly driving up to the top, then breathe, brace and perform a front squat with no tempo restrictions. Build over the course of the five sets to a tough set with perfect form. 

*Be conservative with your weight selection. 4 seconds is a long time in bottom. This is more about perfect positioning than loading it. Especially during our first time doing it. Start at around 50-60% of 1RM and build from there.

Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 2 reps @ 65-75% or your 1-RM Snatch
*Pause for 2 seconds in the receiving position and ensure good weight distribution before standing with the weight.

Goal is perfect reps, drive through the heels, finish extension, aggressive turnover and good weight distribution on receiving.

Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Back Squat x 3 reps @ 75-85% of 1-RM.    Keep perfect positions. Lower the weight if positioning is poor. Most athletes shouldn't have trouble with 3 reps at 75%.

Four sets for max reps of:
45 seconds of Alternating Reverse Lunges (155/95 lb – back rack)
Rest 45 seconds
45 seconds of Supinated-Grip Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 45 seconds

Friday, June 13, 2014

Saturday June 14th, 2014


In teams of two, you and your partner will move through five stations trying to complete as many reps as possible in the following movements:

60 seconds of DB thrusters -  moderate weight
60 seconds of Rest
60 seconds of Push-Ups
60 seconds of Rest
60 seconds of Airdyne calories
60 seconds of Rest
60 seconds of Push Press (75/55 lbs) or 65/45
60 seconds of Rest
60 seconds of Anchored Sit-Ups
60 seconds of Rest
One partner works for the entire 60 seconds, and then rests while their partner works for 60 seconds. Each partner will cycle through until they complete each station three times.


For max reps:
2 Minutes of strict pull-ups or rope climbs
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minutes of Alternating Pistols
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minutes of Double-Unders

3 rounds for time of:
7 Thrusters (115/75 lb.)
12/9 Pull-Ups
Run 400 Meters

*if you missed Saturday and are doing this workout Sunday, either get Monday's squatting in or if you are coming on Monday:

Complete part A and then :
Row 1500m @ 80% of best 2k effort
rest 5 minutes x 3.

goal is constant pacing and good recovery between pieces. Aerobic power is key in this sport. Embrace the opportunity to work on and understand the hard work starts Monday. 

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Friday June 13th, 2014


4 sets of:
Walking Lunges with Dumbbells x 20 steps @ 20X0
Rest 60 seconds between sets

In teams of two, with only one person working at any time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
200 Meter Row, 200m run or 15 calories Airdyne.    Switch machines at the 10 minute mark with another group.
10 Burpees



*Part A is YOUR TIME to work on things YOU need to work on. I will provide things, but keep in mind EVERYONE is different and can work on their own things. If mobility is any issue this is the time to tackle it. If you are looking for first muscle-up this is time to work the progression. Ask a coach for advice. 

Three sets, not for time, of:
Muscle-Ups x 3-5 reps
Handstand Push-up or HS walk practice
B. Squat Therapy x 5 reps. 
Rest as needed.

4 rounds for time of:
6 Power Cleans (185/105 lb.)
6 CTB pull-ups
6 Ring Dips

Muscle-up progression. 

Outlaw Way Muscle-Up Progression from The Outlaw Way on Vimeo.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Thursday June 12th, 2014


4 sets of:
A1. Kettlebell Swings x 20 reps
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Single-Arm DB Press x 6-8 reps each arm
Rest 60 seconds

B. Hollow Rock or Hollow Hold x 30-45 seconds
Rest 45 seconds

Partner workout:
6 sets for times (3 sets each) of:
Dumbbell Push Press x 10 reps
Box Jump -step down x 20 reps
Run 400 Meters or Row 400, Meters

mobility, stretch, Z1 on AD or rower. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Wednesday June 11th,2014


4 sets of:
A1. Pull-Ups x 4-6 reps @ 21X1 (use a partner or box for assistance)
Rest 90 seconds
A2. Lateral Lunge x 8-10 reps each leg @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds

B. Side Planks x 30 seconds each side
Rest 60 seconds

In teams of two, alternate rounds to complete five sets each for time of:
15 Wall Ball Shots
15 Calorie Airdyne


Two sets for max reps of:
60 seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest exactly 60 seconds

*if you don't have muscle-ups spend 10 minutes working the progression.

For time:
Row 1000/800 Meters
20 Shoulder to Overhead (135/85 lb)
30 Squat Cleans (135/85 lb)
40 Burpees Over the Barbell --two foot jump

*scale the weight to ~50% of 1RM Clean and Jerk. 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Tuesday June 10th, 2014


3 sets of:
A1. Push-ups x 8-10 reps @ 20X1.  Scale up to Ring push-ups or DB floor press.
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Single-Leg Hip Bridge x 10 reps each leg @ 3011
Rest 60 seconds
A3. Double-Under Practice x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
10 Dumbbell Ground to Overhead.  May use DB snatch or CJ.
100 Meter Run
10 Push-Ups
100 Meter Run


A. Max double unders in 3 minutes.

In eight sets or fewer, build to a 1-RM Bench Press
* Set 1 – 50% of possible 1-RM x 5 reps
* Set 2 – 65% of possible 1-RM x 4 reps
* Set 3 – 75% of possible 1-RM x 3 reps
* Set 4 – 85% of possible 1-RM x 2 reps
* Set 5 – 90-95% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep
* Sets 6-8 – Test 1-RM
Rest 60-100 seconds between sets 1-4, and then 3-4 minutes between
attempts over 85%.

C.  Team Workout.   Teams of 3. Set the rower to 30s of work and 30s of rest. Each partner will row for 30s all out and rest 2:30 between sets. Complete for a total of 8 sets each.
so each rower will look like this:

P1 30s row 
     30s rest
P2   30s row
    30s rest
P3 30s row
   30s rest
P1 30s row
    30s rest
P2  30s row
     30s rest
P3  30s row
   30s rest

score is total meters rowed. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Monday June 9th, 2014


4 sets of:
A1. Goblet Squat x 8-10 reps @ 20X1.   May front squat if you'd like. Try to make it difficult towards last few reps.
Rest 90 seconds
A2. Ring Rows x 10-12 reps @ 2111.
Rest 90 seconds

4 sets
B. Plank from Elbows x 45 seconds
Rest 60 seconds

For time:
30 Kettlebell Swings - moderate weight. Should be able to go close to unbroken on this first set.
15 Burpees
24 Kettlebell Swings
12 Burpees
18 Kettlebell Swings
9 Burpees


 build to a 1-RM Back Squat.  May use a quick couple build sets before you get to the 50% loading.
* Set 1 – 50% of possible 1-RM x 5 reps
* Set 2 – 65% of possible 1-RM x 4 reps
* Set 3 – 75% of possible 1-RM x 3 reps
* Set 4 – 85% of possible 1-RM x 2 reps
* Set 5 – 90-95% of possible 1-RM x 1 rep
* Sets 6-8 – Test 1-RM

In selecting your possible 1 RM be reasonable. You should have a decent idea based off the heavy singles from last week. Set 6 will be to hit the 1RM, sets 7 and 8 will be if you think there is more in the tank. MAKE SURE to have 2 spotters for all heavy lifts and stay tight on the lift!

Leave weights on bar when done.

In six sets or fewer, build to a 1-RM Weighted Pull-Up

Back Squat x Max reps @ 85% of today’s 1-RM
* Load your bar with 85% of today’s 1-RM back squat weight and perform as many reps as possible.

D. Max strict pull-ups in 2 minutes.
     rest 2 minutes
     Max ring dips in 2 minutes.    

*record these and post to comments your loads for A, B and your reps for C and D. 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Saturday June 7th, 2014

Partner workout: 

One partner works at a time. Partner 1 will finish round 1, then Partner 2 will finish round 2. Each partner must complete 5 rounds each.
10 Rounds of the following:
12 DB Thrusters @ moderate weight
100 Meter Run
12 Burpees
Go hard each set and then rest and recover for the next one.  


Take 10 minutes to practice 2-3 gymnastics movements with which you struggle most.

Three 5-minute sets for max reps of:
Row 1000 Meters
Muscle-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 5 minutes

In 5 minutes, row 1000 meters and perform as many muscle-ups as possible, then rest 5 full minutes and repeat for 3 total sets.

*If you don't have muscle-ups, 3 strict pull-ups,  3 strict ring dips and 3 toes to bar.

Here is the progression we would like to see those follow that do not have muscle-ups but that do have 3 strict pull-ups and 3 deep ring dips. 

Outlaw Way Muscle-Up Progression from The Outlaw Way on Vimeo.

We will test a few things next week. Rest, recover and prepare for it. 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Friday June 6th, 2014

A. Deadlift, 3 reps x 4 sets, rest 3 minutes between sets.

B. Weighted Plank Holds x 30 seconds x 4 sets, rest 1 minute between sets.

C. 5 Sets of the following:
2 Minutes on the Clock:
1 Minute and 15 Seconds on the Airdyne
In Remaining Time, complete as many Box Jumps Step Down
Rest 1 Minute between sets

score is total Cals on AD plus box jumps for the 5 rounds. 

Performance :

Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s “heavy” snatch. A timer will be set.

Take 15-20 minutes to build to today’s “heavy” Clean & Jerk. A timer will be set.

Five sets of:
Back Squat x 1 rep
Rest 2-3 minutes.

Build over the course of the five sets to a “heavy” (for today) single. 
Our 1RM testing is RIGHT around the corner. Don't go blowing it today by trying for a PR. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Thursday June 5th, 2014

A. High Bar Back Squat @ 20×1, 6-8 reps x 4 sets, rest 2-3 minutes.

B. DB Standing Press @ 21×1, 5-7 reps x 4 sets, rest 2 minutes.

C. Band Tricep Pushdown , 15-25 reps x 3 sets, rest 1:30 between sets.
C. 5 Sets of the following @ High Aerobic Effort:
10 Goblet Squats Tough Weight
400 Meter Row
Rest 90 seconds between sets
Keep same row pace the whole time is goal.  Partner up on this for some friendly competition. 


Mobility, stretch, Crossover Symmetry Iron Scap routine. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Wednesday June 4th, 2014


A1. Close Grip Bench Press @ 21×1, 4-6 reps x 3 sets, rest 1:30 between sets.
A2. DB Bent Over Row @ 30×1, 8-10 reps x 3 sets, rest 1:30 between sets.

B1. DB Tricep Extensions @ 30×1, 8-10 reps x 3 sets, rest 1 minute.
B2. Ring Rows @ 20×1, 6-8 reps perfect form x 3 sets, rest 1 minute

C. Weighted Side Bridges x 20 seconds/each side x 3 sets, rest 1 minute.
D. Turkish Get-Up Practice x 8 Minutes- Quality Sets + Reps

3 sets :
A1. 10 reps Push Press unbroken
rest 30 seconds
A2. High Box Jump x
(Step down between reps)
Rest 2 minutes

for time: 
Row 500m 
20 pull-ups
30 KBS 70/45
50 burpees
30 KBS  
20 pull-ups
Airdyne 50 calories

grinder workout. Can you stay with it and stay tough throughout? What will you do 20 burpees in?  How about on the Airdyne?

Three sets of:
Single-Arm DB Row x 8-10 reps @ 2111
Rest as needed

Monday, June 2, 2014

Tuesday June 3rd, 2014


15 Minutes of the following @ 80%:
12 Step Ups(6/each leg)
50 Meter Farmer’s Walks
Row 200 Meters
Rest 5 Minutes
Partner workout:
10 total sets -- 5 sets for each partner
45s Airdyne @ 90%

score is total calories.


Five sets of:
Clean x 1.1
(rest 10 seconds between singles)
Rest 2-3 minutes

Three sets of:
Clean Pulls x @ 100% 1-RM Clean
(rest 10 seconds between singles)
Rest as needed

These should be a very focused perfect pull, just like in your clean. And by god, use the hook grip.

CrossFit Open workout 14.4
14 min AMRAP
60-calorie row
50 toes-to-bars
40 wall-ball shots, 20 lb. to 10-foot target
30 cleans, 135 lb.
20 muscle-ups

See if you can beat your score from March.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Monday June 2nd, 2014

10 rounds for time:
Row 250m
9 burpees

Scale the burpees based on experience. Record this time.

3 sets:

B1. Scapular pull-ups  6-8 reps. rest 1:30
B2. DB curls 8-10 reps.  rest 1:30

*workout can be done in either order.  A then B or B then A.


Every 90 seconds for  8 sets:
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Hang Snatch

Build load as you go, but prioritize mechanics over loads. Be strict on rest. Less talk, more lift. Focusing on making every lift. Only build if you hit the prior lift with excellent form.

Back Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85-90%
*Sets 4-6 – 4 reps @ 4-5% more than was used last Monday

Rest 3 minutes between working sets.

Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Even Minutes – Strict Ring Dips 4-8 reps @ 2011
Odd Minutes – Strict Pull-ups 4-8 reps @ 21X0