Take 12-15 minutes to practice Clean and Jerk technique
2 sets for max reps of:
Against a 6 minute running clock,
Row 1000 Meters
Goblet Squat x Max Reps ---use a moderate weight. set is stopped at conclusion of 6 minutes or when you have to stop squatting.
Rest as needed between sets.
B. 3 burpee MU every 1 min for 10mins ---if you don't have them, see below
for those without HSPU and muscle-ups
A. Muscle-up practice x 10 minutes. BIG false grip CTB pull-ups on rings. complete 20-30 singles. The key is holding and maintaining the false grip. Yes it will be uncomfortable for a bit. But you want to learn a muscle up right?
B. 3-5 deep ring dips per minute on the minute for 10 minutes.
10 rounds for time:
10 toes to bar
10 hand release push ups
10 rounds for time:
10 toes to bar
10 hand release push ups
20 minute time cap. (don't worry clydesdales, you will get your chance to shine tomorrow and next week. )
Can you beat a gimpy, old, not in game shape coaches time of 10:28?
Please post time to comments. If the 20 minute time cap hits, note how many rounds and reps you achieved.
A photo of ALL athletes time posted in the comments would work as well.
Please post time to comments. If the 20 minute time cap hits, note how many rounds and reps you achieved.
A photo of ALL athletes time posted in the comments would work as well.