Thursday, July 31, 2014

Friday August 1st, 2014

Tank top Friday. 

If you have been training hard and consistently and are feeling a bit sore, today could be a good day to come in get some light aerobic work and stretching in. If you feel good, hit it as Rx'd. Tomorrow we will build to tough singles in snatch and close grip bench press with some aerobic work and Monday we will test 1RM back squat. 

A. back squat @20X1 + chains or bands 50-60% of 1rm; 2-3×10; rest 45sec
Only use chains if your back squat is 275 or above.

B. Bulgarian split squat @30X0; 10-12/leg; rest 90sec btw legs x 3.   Mind the tempo! This will mean a bit lighter loads.

3 or 4  sets 85% effort
10 burpees
15 box jump step down 24/18″
10 Hang Power Cleans  --moderate.  Should only have to break once max per set.
50 DU
rest 2mins

scale reps to 80% of volume if sets are taking longer than 3:30.  Or scale Double unders to finish in 4:00.  4 minute time cap per set. Get to DU's. The practice will be beneficial.

scaled version for Fitness group.

A. wall squat and goblet squat warm-up.
B. do as Rx'd. 

3 sets @ 85%
12 walking lunges
10 step-ups
8 Goblet squats at a moderate to heavy weight. 
50s of single unders
rest 3 mins. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Thursday July 31st, 2014

Make up Wednesday workout or complete the following aerobic piece in prep for tomorrow's workout. This should be a day that includes mobility and stretching.

Friday workout will be extremely leg intense.

*Gymnastics skill work of choice.

Row 300m @90%
Rest walk 60 sec
x 4

rest 3 min

Run 200m
5 burpee
30 sec ring FLR
rest walk 60 sec
x 4

rest 3 min

Row 300m @90%
Rest walk 60 sec
x 4

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Wednesday July 30th, 2014

*Separate groups today, but similar conditioning pieces.


3 sets of:
A1. Russian Step-ups 6-8 reps per leg
Rest 60 seconds
A2. DB Row x 6-8 reps each arm @ 2020
Rest 60 seconds

5 rounds for time
Run 400m
8 strict pull-ups.   Use ring rows if you do not have strict pull-ups.


A. Deep practice skill work of choice.  Muscle-up practice, double under, toes to bar, stringing quality wall balls, light CJ tech work.  The goal here is to practice a movement while 

B. CrossFit Masters workout "Run/Rope"
5 rounds for time
Run 400m
2 legless rope climbs

16 minute time cap.

C. Arms.  Do any arm exercises you would like. Get your pump on.  hammer curls super set with band press downs is a favorite.

- use legs on way down if needed
- if you struggle with legless do regular rope climbs
-stagger start.
- go to and masters 40-44 to see the results. 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Tuesday July 29th, 2014


Performance and Fitness will be doing similar workouts for the next chunk of time. The version here will be the most difficult version. The coach for the class will properly scale the movements, rep range and loads for athletes to get the right response.  

Spend some time in your warm-up working on things you wish to improve. 

10mins 85% effort
Row 200m or 15 cals on AD
8 box jump- step down  24″/18"
5 Power Snatch 115/75#

rest 5mins

10mins 85% effort
5 clean and jerks 115/75#
8 DL 115/75#
10 step up 24/18"
25 unbroken DU --if you break, start over at 0.

rest 5mins

10mins 85% effort
Run 200m
4 TGU alt hands per rep--- tough weight you pick

Everything should be sustainable, even splits.

Fitness group scaling:
10 mins @ 85%
Row 150m or 10 cals on AD
6 box jump- step down
8 DB snatch.  4/arm.

rest 5 mins

10 mins @85%
6 russian KB swings - moderate
8 KB deadlifts - same weight
8 step-ups
20 single unders

10mins 85% effort
Run 200m
4 TGU alt hands per rep--- tough weight you pick

Everything should be sustainable, even splits. 

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Monday July 28th, 2014

Performance and Fitness :
Performance and fitness will be doing similar workouts for the next chunk of time. The version here will be the most difficult version. The coach for the class will properly scale the movements, rep range and loads for athletes to get the right response.  

*if choosing to lower volume, skip A.

A. Quickly build to 70-80% of snatch. May sub in any snatch work you feel you need. Just a quick CNs primer to prepare fro B.

B. Back squat 3, 2, 1. Doesn't have to be a 1RM. We will test 1RM next Monday. So hit some strong reps here.
 rest 3mins between

C.  50 HSPU for time.    10 minute time cap. If you don't have HSPU or MU, utilize this time for MU practice.

For time:
"The Dewey Dancer " 
20 back squat 225/155#.    Only scale if 1RM BS is under 275 or 185. Use 80%- 85% of 1RM
40 T2B
60 KBS 2/1.5pd

15 minute time cap. 

****Coaches will scale for every athlete based on current ability.****

Friday, July 25, 2014

Saturday July 26th, 2014


In teams of two, with only one partner working at a time, complete:

100 Burpees
100 Dumbbell Ground to Overhead.  Snatch or Clean and Jerk.
100 Box Jump- step down

Teammates may partition reps however they’d like, but the non-working partner must be in the designated resting position in order for the reps to count torwards their total. Designated resting positions:

Burpees – Dumbbells extended overhead
Dumbbell Ground to Overhead – Hanging from a Pull-Up Bar
Box Jumps – Plank from Elbows


A. clean and jerk-- build to a max in 10mins.  Start timer when you get to 75-80% of 1RM.

rest as needed

B. Row 500m
rest 90sec remaining in the rower 
Row 500m

*score is first 500m row, plus second 500m row. set rower to have the rest so it is exact.

rest 15-20 mins. Yes that long. If you don't need the rest you didn't go hard enough on the row repeats.

3 rounds at 90%
Row 500
50 DU's
Run 400m
time cap is 20 minutes. 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Friday July 25th, 2014


3 sets of:
A1. Deadlift x 6-8 reps @ 20X1
Rest 20 seconds
A2. Unbroken Kettlebell Swings x 20 reps
Rest 3 minutes

For time:
Row 1000 Meters

Immediately followed by . . .

3 rounds of:
Thrusters x 10 reps
Ring Rows x 15 reps

Immediately followed by . . .
Run 400 Meters


A. back squat @20X1  50-60% of 1rm; 2-3 reps ×8; rest 45sec.  Focus is on speed on way up.

*may add chains to the load for those with over 315# squat. So it will be 50-60% plus 80# of chains.
* Speed on way up! Share a barbell with a similar squatter to you, then add or remove plates outside the chains. Bar should be loaded to 50%-60% then add both sets of chains. *

B. 30, 20, 10 for time
KBS 70/45
wall ball

*7 minute time cap*

rest 7-10 mins.  Should feel fully recovered before starting.

C. 3 mins max burpees

rest 7-10mins and if time permits complete part D.  If you do not have muscle-ups, spend the time practicing them and working on gymnastics.

We will be testing an oly lift tomorrow and a conditioning piece, so if you wish skip D. 

D. For time @ 90%:
10 burpee Muscle Ups
10 wall walks
5 rope climbs
100m Farmer’s Walk ---HEAVY!

Outlaw Way Muscle-Up Progression from The Outlaw Way on Vimeo.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Thursday July 24th, 2014


3 sets of:
A1. Dumbbell or Barbell Shoulder Press x 8-10 reps @ 2011
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Side Planks x 30 seconds each side
Rest 60 seconds

3 sets
B. Double-Under Practice x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
Push-Ups x 15 reps
Box Jumps x 20 reps ---must step down. 


*You can make up yesterday's workout. It won't interfere greatly with Friday's workout. *

Mobility, foam roll, stretch.  Crossover Symmetry work. 

20-30 minutes on Airdyne or rower @ 70% effort. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Wednesday July 23rd, 2014


Take 15-20 minutes to cycle through and practice various gymnastics elements that you need to work on – examples …pull-ups, toes to bar, GHD sit-ups, double unders.  Don't do any failure, just 15-20 minutes to warm-up and practice some things.

Against a 3 minute running clock, complete:
400 Meter Run or Row
Wall Ball Shots x Max reps
Rest 3 minutes
Repeat for a total of three sets.

score is total wall balls after 3 sets. 


4 sets:
A. Power clean cluster TnG; 3. 3. 3;
rest 10sec/3mins -- build per set.

B. Split jerk-  build to a max quickly.

C. emom – 5 push jerks tough TnG stay same weight – 5mins
quickly build to a 1RM press. 

D. emom –8mins
odd – 5-6 CTB chin ups increase by 1 rep every odd min
even – HSPU 3-4 increase by 1 rep every even min

For time:
Run 800m
30 GHD situps.
10 wall walks
30 Russian KBS 70/45
Run 800m

stagger start and alternate in big sets on GHD for those that start at same time. Must get out of GHD if you pause and allow next man to use. 

16 minute time cap. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Tuesday July 22nd, 2014


3 sets of:
A1. Bench Press x 4-6 reps @ 20X1
Rest 60-90 seconds
A2. Single Arm Dumbbell or Kettlebell Row x 15-20 reps @ 10X0
Rest 60-90 seconds

3 rounds for time of:
20 Kettlebell Swings 55/35  or moderate
10 Single Arm Kettlebell Press 55/35 or moderate
400 Meter Run


10 rounds for time :
Row 500m/ row 400m
15 burpees/ 12 burpees

* Record time after 5 rounds and final time.  It's a long one, prepare for a grind and do your best not to be a wuss.

* run heats and if necessary sub 400m run for rounds when rower is not available.
*this workout does not require a huge warm-up, so if there is a rower available when you get to class at 5p or 6p, quick warm-up and get to it. 

*35 minute time cap.  

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Monday July 21st, 2014


*may do A and B in either order. *

4 sets of:
A1. Kettlebell Swings x 20 reps
Rest 60 seconds
A2. burpees x 6-8 reps AFAP
Rest 60 seconds

4 sets:
B1.Russian Step-Ups x 10 reps each leg
Rest 45 seconds
B2. Plank from Elbows x 45 seconds

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
Man-Makers x 5 reps
Burpees x 10 reps


A. Back Squat @30X1; 3, 2, 1,   3, 2, 1; rest 3-4 mins.  Second wave higher than first. Not a 1RM build, but if the pot is hot…  Next Monday the rep scheme will be more conducive to 1RM attempt.

B. BB reverse lunge 4-5/leg; rest 2-3mins x 3

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for time 90% effort
wall walk
Squat Clean 225/135#  ----use 80-85% of your 1RM clean.  This should be heavy!
rope climb

*for class you can stagger start or alternate trips up the rope. 20 minute time cap. If you are not yet proficient at rope climbs, use 2 RC per round.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Saturday July 19th, 2014

With a continuous running clock, perform the following:

*do your best to complete this in the time frames*

0:00 – 1000 Meter Row
5:00 – 50 Burpees
10:00 – 30 Strict Pull-Ups or Ring rows
15:00 – 50 Wall Ball Shots
20:00 – 30 Box Jump --step down
25:00 – 800 Meter Run


For time
Row 1k 80% effort

rest 1min

90% effort

Run 400m
30 wall balls to 11 ft/ 10 ft.  --- Eyeball the 11ft.
30 DB walk lunges 55/30#/hand
30 box jumps step down 24/18″
30 T2B
60 DU

rest 3mins

Row 1k same time as above

Score is total time to complete entire piece, with penalty for different row times. Penalty for row times is difference in rows gets added to your total time. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Friday July 18th, 2014


4 sets of:
A1. Romanian Deadlift x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Band Pull-Aparts x 15-20 reps
Rest 60 seconds

Two rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
Hand-Release Push-Up x 20 reps
Kettlebell Swings x 30 reps  -55/35.    Or use less to make the weight moderate.
400 Meter Run


A. heaving snatch balance build to a tough double in 10mins.  Play with the movement, learn it, only add weight as comfortable.

B. Hang snatch build to a max.   this was 2014 regionals workout 1.

C. OHS @31X1; 3×3; rest 3mins

12, 9, 6 for time  at  90%
Squat Clean 185/115#   ---use approximately 70% of 1RM.  It should be heavy!
strict chin up

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Thursday July 17th, 2014


4 sets of:
A1. Pull-Ups x 6-8 reps @ 3111
 (use assistance as necessary in order to maintain tempo and rep scheme)
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Goblet Squat x 5 reps @ 3311.   3s in the bottom.  It's hard, but keep torso upright then drive out of bottom
Rest 60 seconds

Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
5 Burpees
10 Wall Balls

Then rest exactly 5 minutes, before completing . . .

As many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
10 Toes to Bar ---sub GHD sit-ups or sit-ups based on ability.
10 Jump switch lunges - no weight added

Make up Wednesday workout or

Foam roll, mobility. 

IF trained yesterday and will be tomorrow, here is aerobic work for today :

Airdyne or Row100 calories
Run 800m

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wednesday July 16th, 2014


4 sets of:
A1.Dumbbell Shoulder Press x 6-8 reps @ 20X1
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Russian Step-Ups x 10 reps each leg
Rest 60 seconds

4 sets:
B. Hollow Rocks, Hollow Holds or Flutter Kicks x 30-45 seconds
Rest 60 seconds

5 rounds for time of:
Push-Press x 10 reps
Lateral Jump Overs x 15 reps


A. close grip bench press -  build to a max.    Hands 16" apart.

3 sets
B1. close grip bench press @30X1; x 5 reps
rest 60- 90 seconds
B2. pendlay row @20X1; x 5 reps      Pendlay Row
rest 60- 90 seconds

* you may do C and D in either order*

C. Every two minutes for 5-6 sets:
3 HSPU.   sub
7- 10 strict chin-ups.   Vary grips per sets.

D. Row 500m for time

E. mobility, stretch, cool down.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Tuesday July 15th, 2014


Three sets of:
A1. Goblet Squat or Front squat x 8-10 reps @ 30X1
Rest 45 seconds
A2. Supine Ring Rows x 10-12 reps @ 2111
Rest 45 seconds
A3. Plank from Elbows x 45 seconds
Rest 45 seconds

Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, perform:
10 Kettlebell Swings
5 Burpees


nice job sticking with the increased volume the last few months. Format is changing now. Less volume, more focus on perfect movement. Sessions overall will be a bit shorter and will allow for longer warm-up and or skill work, and mobility. Take these things seriously.  There will be opportunities for PR's along the way. Enjoy!

A.  Split Jerk -- build to a tough single from rack in 15 minutes. May go for a PR if the pot is hot!

B. segmented snatch grip deadlift., pause 2sec at each position,  1inch off the floor, below knee, and mid thigh; 1. 1. 1; rest 15sec/rest 2mins x 5 
*so this will look like.   deadlift to 1" off floor, pause for 2s there, continue to below knee pause 2s there, continue to mid thigh pause there for 2s.   Dump the weight rest 15s, do it again, dump it, rest 15s do it again. 

C. emom – Power Snatch TnG x 4 heavy you pick and stay with that weight – 5mins

D. 12mins 80-90% effort
Farmers Walk 50m ---very heavy.  Should be 80/70/65 for men.   Should be 55# or 45# for women.
4 burpee box jump sd 36"/24″
2 wall walks

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Monday July 14th, 2014


3 sets:
A1. DB curls x 8-10 reps
Rest 45 seconds
A2. Scap pull-ups x 6-8 reps.
Rest 45 seconds

B .
5 sets for times:
Single-Arm DB Snatch + 2 Lunge Steps w/DB Overhead x 10 reps
Burpees x 10 reps
Run 400 Meters
Rest 3 minutes between sets


*choose 3 of the 4 letter based on your goals. *
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes:
Full + Quarter Front Squat

Increase load from last Monday’s session by 5-8% and use that load for all 6 minutes.

Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Snatch (mid-thigh) + Snatch @ 80-85% of 1-RM Snatch

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat x 5 reps @ same load you used last Monday

Three rounds for time of:
20 Overhead Alternating Lunges (95/55 lbs)
15/10 Pull-Ups.     ---females with 15 or more consecutive kipping pull-ups should do 15 per round.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Saturday July 12th, 2014


A. work on something you wish to improve for 10 minutes. 

for time:
Row 1000 Meters
30 Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
40 Burpees
50 Wall Balls
800 Meter Run


For time:
2 rounds for time:
Run 400m
Hang Power Clean 95/65 x 10 reps
Burpees x 20 reps

13 min time cap

Rest 8 minutes

For time:
2 rounds for time:
Burpees x 20 reps
Hang Power Clean 95/65 x 10 reps
Run 400m 

13 min time cap

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Friday July 11th, 2014

Friday we will only be open for the 9am morning class and Open Gym from 4-530pm. At 6pm we will have our pool party.


In teams of three, complete five rounds each for time of:
200 Meter Run
20 Goblet Carry Walking Lunges
5 burpee box jumps

Each team member will start at a different station and may not rotate to the next station until all team members have completed their reps/run.

*If you are short on time today, skip B, C or D based on your goals.

Front Squat
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 95+%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Clean + Clean + Front Squat + Jerk

Build to today’s heaviest set.

Every two minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges x 10 reps (5 each leg)

Use the heaviest load you believe you can handle for all five sets. Good starting loads might be 135/85 lbs…and move up from there if you’re handling it well.

If time and energy permits.

3 sets: of:
D1. Snatch-Grip Romanian Deadlift x 6 reps @ 3111.  Keep it moderate and stick to the tempo. Pause 1 full second with plates ~ 2 " off the ground.
Rest as needed
D2. Stationary Dips x 20/10 reps.  Scale by ability. May break
Rest as needed

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Thursday July 10th, 2014

tomorrow evening (Friday) will be open gym only from 4 to 5:30 so we can enjoy our pool party at 6. 


4 sets of:
A1. Deadlift x 6-8 reps @ 20X1
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Dumbbell Shoulder Press x 8-10 reps @ 2011
Rest 60 seconds

4 sets:
B. Lateral Lunges x 10 reps each leg @ 2011.    Can hold DB's or KB in middle of chest.
Rest 45 seconds

For time:
Kettlebell Swings x 30 reps
Push-Ups x 30 reps
Run 400 Meters
Kettlebell Swings x 20 reps
Push-Ups x 20 reps
Run 400 Meters
Kettlebell Swings x 10 reps
Push-Ups x 10 reps
Run 400 Meters

Mobility, stretch, Z1 aerobic work on AD or Rower. Light practice with skills.

We will be building to a heavy front squat single on Friday, if you are concerned if this work will affect that then skip it.

If looking to complete an aerobic workout today:
30 mins 3 sets @ 85% effort ( i.e sustainable but difficult)
Every 10 minutes
Run 800m
Turkish get-ups x 2 reps per arm.  Keep it light.
Airdyne Max calories until the 10 minutes is up. 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Wednesday July 9th, 2014


3 sets of:
A1. Barbell or Dumbbell Bench Press x 8-10 reps @ 20X1
Rest 90 seconds
A2. Ring Rows x 10-12 reps @ 2111
Rest 90 seconds

3 sets
B. Side Planks x 30 seconds each side
Rest 60 seconds

Complete as many reps as possible in 5 minutes of:

Rest exactly 5 minutes, and then . . .

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of:
3 Man-Makers
100 Meter Run


Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Halting Clean Deadlift + Hang Clean + Clean

Every minute, on the minute, for 8-12 minutes:
Speed Deadlift x 3 reps @ 70%-75%

3 sets for times of:
Row 800/600 Meters
15/10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
30 Wall Balls
40 Russian Kettlebell Swings - 70/55/45
Rest exactly 4 minutes

Time cap of 8 minutes per set. 

Monday, July 7, 2014

Tuesday July 8th, 2014


Three sets of:
A1. Turkish Get-Ups x 2 reps each arm
Rest 45 seconds
A2. Romanian Deadlift x 6-8 reps @ 3011
Rest 45 seconds

3 sets
B. Double-Under Practice x 60 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

For max reps:
Goblet Squats x 2 minutes
Rest 60 seconds
Dumbbell Push Press x 2 minutes
Rest 60 seconds
Box Jump Overs x 2 minutes
Rest 60 seconds

Score is total reps. 


Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Push Press + Power Jerk + Split Jerk
(Pause for 2-3 seconds in the split jerk receiving position before recovering.)

Goal is to use heaviest 2-3 loads from last week for all 6 sets.

Strict Overhead Press
* Set 1 – 5 reps @ 50%
* Set 2 – 5 reps @ 60%
* Set 3 – 5 reps @ 70%
* Sets 4-8 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 9 – 10 reps @ 55-65%
Rest 90 seconds to 2 minutes between sets..

Every 8 minutes, for 24 minutes (3 sets) of:
Row 500/400 Meters
20/10 Ring Dips
Run 400 Meters

*scale row to achieve each set in ~6 minutes. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Monday July 7th, 2014


3 sets of:
A1. Bulgarian Split Squat x 8-12 reps
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Push-ups x max reps.   Scale up to ring push-ups or dips if you can do more than 15 reps.
Rest 2 minutes

Team workout. Teams of 3. MAx calories in 12 minutes as a team.
Each partner does 30s hard and rests 1 minutes. 
8 sets each.


Five sets of:
Full + Quarter Front Squat x 2 reps
*be focused on your position. Do not allow your chest to tilt down or forward. If it does, lower the weight and keep working your mobility. *

Rest 2 minutes

Build over the course of the five sets.

Five sets of:
Halting Snatch Deadlift + Snatch Pull + Snatch @ 80%-90%  of 1-RM Snatch
Rest as needed

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Back Squat x 4 reps @ 3-5% more than you used last Monday

Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
20 Walking Lunges with Kbs or DB's  55#/35# / hand.   Scale to a weight you can handle for 20 unbroken consistent tempo reps.
15 GHD Sit-Ups or Weighted sit-ups

Friday, July 4, 2014

Saturday July 5th, 2014


Five sets of:
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
3 Pull-Ups -  sub perfect ring rows.
6 Burpees
9 Kettlebell Swings

Rest 3 minutes between sets


A. gymnastics skill practice - 10 mins

B. Build to a moderate single in snatch balance + OHS in 10 minutes. Take from the rack. Moderate means moderate.  

4 rounds at 80%
Run 400m
Row 400m/300m
60/45/30 double unders -  scale accordingly to ability
Airdyne 40/30 calories

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Friday July 4th, 2014

"Rahoi"  See below.  Scale box jump and thrusters to moderate level.

4 sets:
B1. Batwing row 8-10 reps
Rest 60 seconds
B2. negative pull-ups
Rest 60 seconds

C. Row 1500m cool down.


consider skipping A and/or  B if your legs are feeling smashed. If your single leg strength is lacking choose B over A.

Five sets of:
Front Squat x 2 reps
Rest as needed

Loads per set (by %): 65, 75, 85, 90, 90.  These are approximate. Use your best judgement to ensure hitting the reps.

Every two minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Overhead Walking Lunges x 16 steps

Use the heaviest load you believe you can handle for all five sets. Good starting loads might be 155/105 lbs…and move up from there if you’re handling it well.


SSA Gregory Rahoi
U.S. FBI Supervisory Special Agent Gregory J. Rahoi, 38, of Brookfield, WI, assigned to the Hostage Rescue Team, based in Quantico, VA, was killed on December 6, 2006, during a live-fire tactical training exercise at Fort A.P. Hill, near Bowling Green, VA.

He is survived by his parents, Natalie and Richard, sister Teri, and fiancee Paula Paulk.

First posted February 4, 2012
  • 24 inch Box Jump, 12 reps
  • 95 pound Thruster, 6 reps
  • 6 Bar-facing burpees
AMRAP, 12 Min

compare to CrossFit Binghamton blog from May 25th, 2013. 

If time and energy permits:

Three sets of:
Glute-Ham Raises x 8-10 reps @ 3011
Rest as needed
Weighted Plank Holds x 60 seconds.
Rest as needed

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Thursday July 3rd, 2014


4 sets of:
A1. Push-Press x 6-8 reps
Rest 60 seconds
A2. Side Planks x 30 seconds each side
Rest 60 seconds
A3. Pull-Ups x 5 reps @ 3111.  Sub 5 negatives and 10 DB curls if you can not complete the pull-ups.
Rest 60 seconds

800 Meter Partnered Farmer’s Carry.  1 carries, 1 runs along side, switch when you need.
Teams of two must move as much weight as possible 600 meters in a farmer’s carry. Every time the weight touches the ground or partners change roles (from working to resting), each partner must perform 5 burpees upon returning to the gym at the half-way and finish.

*please do not drop weights. 


A. Dedicated mobility session.  Foam roll, stretch, get in Crossover Symmetry etc.,  

B. 20-30 mins Z1 work. 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wednesday July 2nd, 2014


5 sets of:

A1. Goblet Squat x 10 reps @ 30X0.  May use back squat if able to goblet squat x 10 with heavy KB, AND mobility is sufficient
Rest 30 seconds
A2. Single Arm Dumbbell Rows x 10 reps each arm @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
A3. Heavy Kettlebell Swings x 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
A4. Dumbbell Shoulder Press x 10 reps @ 20X1
Rest 2 minutes


*Choose B or C, do not do both.  If body needs a break from heavy squatting skip B and do C.

Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
3- Position Clean
(high hang, mid-thigh, and then from the floor)

Build over the course of the eight sets.

Every minute, on the minute…
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 40% x 1 rep
*Set 2 – 50% x 1 rep
*Set 3 – 60% x 1 rep
*Set 4 – 70% x 1 rep
*Set 5 – 80% x 1 rep

and then….

Every 2 minutes…
*Set 6 – 85% x 1 rep
*Set 7 – 90% x 1 rep
*Set 8 – 95% x 1 rep

Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Speed Deadlift x 3 reps @ ~ 65% of 1RM.  These are not touch and go, speed is on way up.


3 sets each for time of:
100/80/60 Double-Unders. --scale to ability.
10 Front Squats (165/95 lbs). Take from ground. Scale up or downto ~65% of 1RM FS. These should be heavy.
15 burpees  ----what will you do when you get here? Will you go your hardest or go kinda hard and be safe?
rest 4 minutes between sets

*if giving the legs a break, sub 6 power cleans for the front squats.