If you have been training hard and consistently and are feeling a bit sore, today could be a good day to come in get some light aerobic work and stretching in. If you feel good, hit it as Rx'd. Tomorrow we will build to tough singles in snatch and close grip bench press with some aerobic work and Monday we will test 1RM back squat.
A. back squat @20X1 + chains or bands 50-60% of 1rm; 2-3×10; rest 45sec
Only use chains if your back squat is 275 or above.
B. Bulgarian split squat @30X0; 10-12/leg; rest 90sec btw legs x 3. Mind the tempo! This will mean a bit lighter loads.
3 or 4 sets 85% effort
10 burpees
15 box jump step down 24/18″
10 Hang Power Cleans --moderate. Should only have to break once max per set.
50 DU
rest 2mins
scale reps to 80% of volume if sets are taking longer than 3:30. Or scale Double unders to finish in 4:00. 4 minute time cap per set. Get to DU's. The practice will be beneficial.
scaled version for Fitness group.
A. wall squat and goblet squat warm-up.
B. do as Rx'd.
3 sets @ 85%
12 walking lunges
10 step-ups
8 Goblet squats at a moderate to heavy weight.
50s of single unders
rest 3 mins.