9 a.m. class is cancelled tomorrow.
3 sets:
B1. Push-ups, 10-15 reps
rest 60 seconds.
B2. Pull Up negatives clusters, 4.3.2
B2. Pull Up negatives clusters, 4.3.2
rest 60 seconds.
switch grips every set of clusters
B3. DB curls x 10 reps.
switch grips every set of clusters
B3. DB curls x 10 reps.
Rest 60 seconds
complete 5 rounds:
15 Wall Balls or Goblet Squats
20 second plank hold
10min amrap
15 burpees
60 Double Unders
- squat therapy and t-spine mobility in warm-up
-hit all reps on FS.
- separate specific aerobic warm-up for 10 minute AMRAP
Elliot nails a muscle-up!
Elliot nails a muscle-up!
Congratulations Elliot!