Day 1
A1. Banded Pull-ups x max reps (stop at 12) x 4 sets; rest 2 min btw
A2. Back Squat x 8 reps x 4 sets: rest 2 min btw
A2. Back Squat x 8 reps x 4 sets: rest 2 min btw
B. T Bar Row x 8-10 reps x 4 sets; rest 1 min
AMRAP 10 min
10 DB Push Press
5 DB Snatch/arm
10 Wtd Situps
5 Burpees
Day 2
A1. Push-ups on Tire x 10; rest 1min
A2. Laying Glute Bridge with 3 sec hold at top x 10; rest 30 sec
B. Monster Walks x 10/side x 3 sets; rest 30 sec
3 rounds for time:
4 laps waiter's walk
30 double unders/50 singles
40 step ups (not box jumps)
Day 3
AMRAP 30 min at 80% effort
AD 15 cal
15 abmat situps
15 KBS
Row 500m
Day 4
AD 25 min; Go hard for 12 sec on the EVEN minutes
Day 5
Open WOD 15.2
Day 6
Partner Workout
As a team of 2, partition with one partner working at a time:
Row 1k
20 laps waiters’ walk
30 burpees
40 abmat situps
50 air squats
60 flutterkicks each
Row 1k
PERFORMANCE: Follow - Being or She
Saturday 3/7/15
A. 1 Squat Snatch every 90 seconds for 6 sets (9 mins) Goal is max load over the course of the 6 lifts, so not missing is crucial.
B. 15 muscle-ups for time. If you don't have muscle-ups, drill technique for 15 mins.
C. row 2k @ easy pace, every 400m get off and complete 30s FLR on rings.
Saturday 3/7/15
A. 1 Squat Snatch every 90 seconds for 6 sets (9 mins) Goal is max load over the course of the 6 lifts, so not missing is crucial.
B. 15 muscle-ups for time. If you don't have muscle-ups, drill technique for 15 mins.
C. row 2k @ easy pace, every 400m get off and complete 30s FLR on rings.